Love the photos, especially the zonky and Niagara. Tell Barbara she doesn't change!!
We've got a posh 2007 Corsa while Ellie's away. I hardly dare drive her. The man went round noting any marks on her so that if we put any more on we get billed!!
Gran etc back from the Lakes today. They've had good weather, which is nice but typical it should be the year we don't go!!
Fountains of love. XXXX
Captain Booty
i leave checking for 2 days and you fly to blooming canada (please note that before i wrote that i had to check that it was in fact in canada!) well you sound as if you are having fun and Niagra falls sounds wonderful. hope you took some good pics! Enjoy canada and remember that it is the home of maple syrup so make sure that you have a large helping for me! My dad and lyn went on the waterworld thing when they were at Universal Studios a few years ago, but they got conned into actually taking part (and i think got a lot wetter!)
Hugs and kisses, Capt. Booty
Hello gorgeous girl
Universal Studios sounds absolutely amazing. Niagra Falls must have been awesome as well.
Was I in the video? Oh dear. Pass on all my love to Barbara and Jim.
At home this morning cos the British Gas man was coming round to check we had insulation. I phoned work to remind them I was on leave this morning, and Vicky told me all their IT was down. Goodness knows what they' all have done until it was fixed. I hope its fixed this afternoon, unless they give us all the afternoon off.
British Gas man says our house is all nicely insulated, so I wasted a morning's holiday. I suppose at least I know now.
Going out with Kay and Jo A tonight, which will be wicked as I haven't seen them in ages.
Can't wait to see you Babe, bucket fulls of love.
Hi Kate.
It all sounds great fun. Hope the video wasn't toooo embarrassing!!
Ellie Ray's going in today to have the dent removed. They're bringing us a courtesy car and we hope to have Ellie back by Tuesday or Wednesday.
Sorry I haven't sent any messages recently but my computer had taken against your message board. Blogs and photos were fine but as soon as I went on the message board page and tried to scroll or do anything else at all the whole thing froze. The only way out was to close Internet Explorer down! Yesterday Bridget and Geoff came over and Geoff tried various things, none of which made any difference at all. So he downloaded Firefox and tried running under that (alternative to Internet Explorer, Daddy uses it sometimes) and it was fine! So I now have the choice which is handy. But we are all still in the dark as to what has gone wrong. I haven't found any other website with a problem! Once you're home safe the 'puter can go and have a service at PC World and I'll get them to give me more RAM as it should speed me up a bit. It takes ten minutes to boot at present!!
Enjoy the rest of the trip and see you in less than THREE WEEKS!!
Skyscrapers of love. XXXX
Aunty Helen
Hi Katie
You seem to be very busy enjoying life !!
We had a good weekend with phil Ange and Grace who is now speaking more english than Japanese. Our favourite was cup of teeeeeee ! ( you have to screw up your face on the teeee to get it right !!)
Love H L A C P A G
Hi Sweetie
I'm still jealous!!
Not much happening here. Mum and I have planned some holidays (as she tells me she told you)
Next Tuesday is the Bishop's conference; he expects all his ministers to attend at the University of Hertfordshire. The diocese has asked all the churches to sign up to an environmental policy, so I suggested to the co-ordinator that she could help us to car share. She responded positively, so we'll see!
Loadsa luve xxxxxxxxxxxx
Captain Booty
I can guess!!!!! sounds like you are living the LA dream baby!!! hope you are having fun (and concerned about your pants, no update poss since OZ!)
Love and kisses xxxxx
Capt Booty
Hello my Gorgeous Girl
Sounds like you're still having an amazing time. How's the weather? We've finally got some sun here. I just hope it lasts.
Did you like SATC? I did, but Bjorn hated it. He only thought two things in it were funny, I wonder if you can guess which ones.
Life fairly quiet here, can't wait for you to come back.
Hope you have a great time at Universal Studios. Love you millions and millions.
Captain Booty
Hello buttons
Please tell me that you took a picture of the Zonky!!!! Glad to hear you're having fun, tho its a bit of a shame about getting hustled in mexico. (Hope you had some tequila while you were there!) Not much is happening here, quiet month for june and then i'll be about in July for when you come back. I don't want to wish the rest of your trip away but i can't wait to see you again!!
Love and kisses
Capt Booty
Hello Sweetheart
Water park sounds brilliant, and a Zonky?? Bless!
Been working hard all work on the new Design Guide. We're all absolutely exhausted now, and glad its the weekend.
Didn't have breakfast today, but did have a stir-fry last night, which was yummy.
Apart from that, life's pretty normal. No news. Can't wait until you come home.
Love you.
Hi Kate,
Glad the Grand Canyon bit went well. I've always felt a Western saddle sounded much safer and more comfortable. You've got something other than the horse's mane to hang onto!! And going downhill it stops you falling off over the horse's head! Are the boys still with you in all this? Looking forward to pics of it all.
You can have Uncle Gongy's pics taken in Stevenage at Roaring Meg, according to the voucher. Only trouble is it doesn't give a company name, but we'll find it!
Enjoy San Diego and Los Angeles. I expect you've heard about the awful fire at the film lot in LA. Shame you won't be able to visit it now.
Love and miss you very much. We're ready for you to come home too!!
Mummy XXXX
Hey Sweetie
I'm glad you two had a great birthday. The Grand Canyon sounds amazing.
In agony today. Went to the gym yesterday and then played cricket with Musha and the gang for two hours. I'm glad to know that its working, but laughing and sneezing hurts, let alone walking or stretching my arms. Lol.
Saw Peter Giles on Saturday night, he came out with Christine. It was really nice to see him again and catch up a bit.
Got to do some work now as Marilyn's asked me to do something for a meeting tomorrow. ps it's half seven in the evening.