Hey everyone. Krabi has sort of grown on me, there are far too many western children here for my liking. Why aren't they in school? But at least the place has internet cafes and massage parlours and nice restaurants.
Me and jo went kayaking yesterday. My shoulders are absolutely killing me today but it was worth it. We paddled across to an island which later was completely submerged at high tide. We saw hundreds of tiny crabs and some star fish. Then we took the boats upstream which was a lot more gentle coz the tide just pushed us along. We came to a group of trees which had literally hundreds of monkeys. Our guide threw bits of watermelon onto our boats and the monkeys jumped up on the boat to get fruit. I got some amazing pics which i will put up in a few days.
Deb, well done for giving up something you like so much. Apparently i have given up hot showers. But the cold water is not actually that bad if you are hot enough to enjoy it. I just hope our next place has hot water.
Love you all xxxx
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