Today we went Whale Watching, the winds had stopped when we woke up so off we went to the ferry departure point, we were all very excited, however after about 15 minutes the excitement had morphed into anxiety as we headed out into very rough seas, all the people on the boat were feeling queasy, some had gone past the queasy stage, if you get what I mean, we were not immune from this, the kids more so than Anna & I, anyway we got them to lie down for a few minutes and they came ok in the end, it was very hard to move around the ferry as it was listing and rocking away, those who know me well enough are probably grinning as they read this blog knowing my previous boating trips have been less then successful, BUT, I was ok, not bad but OK, anyway we proceeded north in the rough seas, I am thinking "the poor kids" as well as the other tourist that had paid a bit of money to be tossed around in the Pacific Ocean/Hervey Bay whale catchment, in the end it was well worth it, we saw plenty of whales and they are remarkable creatures, we were out for 5 hours and the return trip back to port was very nice, we got up to the front of the Ferry heading into the nice breeze and getting plenty of fresh air into our lungs, and carried out a few Kate Winslet (from Titanic) moments up on the bow.
Hervey Bay is a very nice holiday spot and I suspect we will return here in the years ahead.
It was fair to say everyone was happy to have their feet back on Terra Firma but we had enjoyed the experience after all.
Back to the apartment for a swim and relax, tomorrow is going to be a pretty quiet day I suspect, the kids have some more school work to do (cue groaning) and then we are having dinner at a restaurant at the Harbor side for our last night in Hervey Bay before heading to the Glasshouse Mountains and Australia Zoo.
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