Well its 530 am and we are about to dock into Devonport, it is currently 8 degrees outside and it looks to have been raining, the sailing wasnt too bad, started out fairly smooth but we were woken at about 1130pm as the toilet door flew open and we were being tossed around in our beds, we had all taken sea sickness medication and drifted ba…
Well its 530 am and we are about to dock into Devonport, it is currently 8 degrees outside and it looks to have been raining, the sailing wasnt too bad, started out fairly smooth but we were w…
Well the end is near, today we have caught some trams in Melbourne, been to Fed Square as well as a quick bit of shopping at Harbour Town, now we have just packed the car for the last time and…
We are now back in Melbourne, it feels a little sad that the holiday is almost over, but looking forward to getting home to see all of our family and friends.
Metung has left us all with a des…
We have had a very peaceful day here in Metung, we have been doing the last parts of our school work, watched DVD's, played in the park and on the Tennis courts, we are heading to the Metung S…
well hello Lucas i see you got some messages from miss Glavin i am going camping tonight with scouts. i like the picture of you in the car trying to block all the noise inn the world out of your ears. were you playing Clash Of Clans? we had a very big party at school today ... THERE WERE LOLLIPOPS. i totally miss you and hope to see you soon from Liam.
Grade 5 Glavin
Hi Lucas and family, we have all been soooo jealous of your wonderful trip and all the swimming you have been doing - are you enjoying all those lollies Lucas? It was fascinating to see you in Kelly country and panning for gold at Ballarat - makes all our study on those topics seem real to see you there. We have been busy at school finishing up our science unit not to mention the My Master Bake Off competition which has been delicious. we are two days out from the school holidays and are looking forward to our break but I guess for you that means that you will be home soon. You have been lucky with the weather, it has been very average here but we hear that this week is going to be hotter than usual on the mainland so we hope you get plenty of pool time this week. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and we can't wait to hear about the rest of your travels next term.
Mrs Allie and class
Hi Everyone,
Your trip sounds liike it is very relaxing, fun and interesting. We are envious because you have had so many swims and we are freezing cold here!!!!! Your resort sounds great. Missing you.
From 2A
Lucas Kirwan
Hi Liam yeah we did we went on the scooby doo spooky ride and saw the stunt drive and I am a vip member which means you can go back as many times as you want.
Mrs Allie
Grade 2A have been very excited to see Isabel and her family doing all those exciting things and especially the history and swimming! The science museums must have been awsome. We have had our maths afternoon for parents and it was good but you are right about the weather - its been awful!
hi Lucas did you know at school we watched behind the news and it had Parlement house on it. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease send me a email and hi from mum and me.
Isabel Kirwan Hi Holly, Hope you had a great birthday, sorry I wasn't there, but I sent you a present, did you get it yet? Movie world was cool
re: Day 14 - Movie WorldIsabel Kirwan Hi everyone, yes having a great time on our holiday, see you after school holidays. From Isabel
re: Day 17 Gold Coast - Hervey BayMrs Allie and class Hi Everyone, Your trip sounds liike it is very relaxing, fun and interesting. We are envious because you have had so many swims and we are freezing cold here!!!!! Your resort sounds great. Missing you. From 2A
re: Day 17 Gold Coast - Hervey BayHolly Hi Isabel, sounds like movie word was fun.
re: Day 14 - Movie WorldLucas Kirwan Hi Liam yeah we did we went on the scooby doo spooky ride and saw the stunt drive and I am a vip member which means you can go back as many times as you want.
re: Day 13 Coffs Harbour to Gold CoastIsabel Kirwan Hi Izzy, Holly & Heidi, I am missing you all too. love Isabel xoxo.
re: Day 13 Coffs Harbour to Gold Coastisabel Hi Isabel, Holly,Heidi and I have been missing you so much lots of love, Isabel xoxo
re: Day 13 Coffs Harbour to Gold Coastliam well lucas did you see anything cool at movie world... hell yeah.
re: Day 13 Coffs Harbour to Gold Coastliam hi Lucas did you know at school we watched behind the news and it had Parlement house on it. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease send me a email and hi from mum and me.
re: Day 6 - Sightseeing in CanberraJK Pa having fun from sound of it looking forward to updates.
re: Day 3 - Melbourne