Started off our day before dawn to do the base walk around Uluru. Didnt realise how nice it is to go for a walk a dawn, its just so fresh. Its actually just a really good time to hav a wee wander by urself and not think about anythin and just hav some time to urself, if that makes sense! Uluru is a pretty impressive sight as well. All around there are areas that are sacred and mean stuff to the Aboriginies, there were dreamtime stories as well to read as u walk round. You cant walk the entire way round the base but we did walk nearly 10kms round the base. Felt pretty good doing that walk before lunch time. It was at the end of our walk that people could have climbed Uluru if they wanted to, however it was too windy so it was closed anyway. Looking at it tho it seems crazy that anyone would climb it, its really steep and only part of the way has the chain to help you up, its no wonder people fall off it and die!
After we had finished the walk Leith showed us some other Aboriginal stuff around Uluru. There was a dreamtime story about a devil dog called Kurpany, who turned some children to stone. There was also a water hole and some Aboriginal drawings that he showed us. It was all really interesting. After that we to the cultural centre . Leith had said to us that the centre was made by white people but they tried to make it look like it was made by black people. It was interesting looking at it from that point of view. Oh and while i remember, how many of u know about the govvernment giving Aboriginal land back to the Aboriginals? Well they gave Uluru back to the Aboriginals but only on the condition that they lease it back to the government for 100 years to do with as they please. A little bit hypocritical if u ask me!! However walking round the center me and Annmarie were quite proud of ourselves for being able to work out what some of the paintings were about. Whilst we were there Derek met a guy he knew who took us thru the back and showed stuff about what plants can do. He also drew out the story of the seven sisters in the sand, it was amazing to see how the picture builds up in layers as the story is told.
After some lunch we left the Uluru resort for Kings Creek Station. Eventually we did get to the station and set up our camp and had dinner. When we were all sittin round the camp fire later drinkin, we were joined by a cowboy, his dog and his friends. And u guys r just not gonna believe how hot this cowboy was, i mean seriously this guy could hav been a model, he had the cowboy hat, the checked shirt, the jeans and belt and the cowboy boots, OMG u could just hav eaten him alive!!! So we sat chatting with the boys for ages, Celine was right in there with the cowboy, Evan!! ;) The other guys were Ricky who was like the station hand and from Oz and Dennis who was from Germany and worked in the kitchen. It ended up being just me, Annmarie and Celine at the end cause everyone else went to sleep, dont think they were too impressed with the noise we made lol! Evans dog also kept annoyin Sven while he was tryin to sleep but eventually just settled down on his swag for a snooze! Kept on jokin how out of all the girls on our tour the only 1 to hit on him was Evans dog and he was a boy!! Eventually we ran out of drink and much to the boys disappointment we didnt go back to theirs to carry on and we eventually went to bed. However i did try to get in to someone elses swag cause i got confused with which was mine and there was someone else in it, gave us a bit of a chuckle!! Reckon we must hav annoyed quite a few people as we didnt manage to keep very quiet lol!
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