Me and Irene went for a wee wander round Darwin and then headed down to the lagoon for some sun bathing. Its really nice down at the waterfront , u can tell its quite new but will b pretty awesome when its finished. There r flats and a hotel down there with cafes and shops. There is also a wave pool and a wee lagoon where u can swim without the threat of saltwater crocs gettin u! Was quite a nice relaxing day.
Cato and Mandy r back in Darwin after their trip to Bali so we arranged to meet for dinner in the vic. It was good to hav a wee catch up with them but they were pretty tired after their wee trip so we went our seperate ways. I ended up going back out to meet up with Celine and Ann Marie in Monsoons. I wasnt gonna stay out long cause i hav no money but Ann Marie ended up lendin me some money so i could stay out and we all ended up pretty wasted again, do u see a trend formin here already?! We went to watch the footie in Shenanigans but Ann Marie wasnt gonna get in cause she was too drunk but then by the time we had got 'no name' to take her home and seen she was alright it was like 2 minuties past the curfew and the bouncer wouldnt let me and Celine in even tho he knew we were just tryin to get Ann Marie home, ragin!! Anyway after that i ended up callin it a nite but Celine was determined to see the match and headed on round to the cav.
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