Next stop: Bangkok!! But first we had to try and make it there in one piece. We had the worst boat ride of our lives Koh Tao to Chumpon. Now we had been on a very rocky before (sydney whale watching) but this was on another level. A big boat, a catamaran, with a couple hundred people on, in very rough water that the captain decided to go full speed ahead through. They handed out sick bags near the start of the trip an u knew that wasn't a good sign. But for someone who has never been seasick, I witnessed my breakfast come up into the bag. And when person started, the smell and the noise, it started everyone else off again. I could not wait for that 1.5hours to be over. Then got the bus from 1pm-8.30pm, with a stop off for food, where there was soo much to choose from, Kenny couldn't actually choose. Lol. We arrived safely in Bangkok and luckily we could walk from the bus to Khao San road, to our hotel Rikka Inn, right on the crazy strip. It was a bit noisy but the room was clean. It was a crazy street, a bit like Patong but not soo in your face. We got some street foo; a kebab, pad Thai and a crepe, then it was bed for us.
We woke up at 9, got showered then out to find breakfast (the when the expensive hotels don't include breakfast.) We booked some buses and hotels. Asked bamba about doing the included bike tour but said it was too late notice as we hadn't given 24hours. So we went jewellery shopping, got a new ring for my conche ear piercing but couldn't get it out myself and couldn't find anyone to change it for me. Nightmare! We were trying to find a map and figure out what to do, when I decided to check my email and Bamba had replied saying we could go to bike tour. This was at 12 and had to be there by 12.45 and needed to get changed and get the 45min taxi there. Having got a little bit lost at the end, we arrived at 13.05, 5 mins late but luckily they were still there. Always ask for the taxi men to use the meter as it's always gona be more expensive without. It saved us 50baht on this trip. We did the 19km bike tour, the thought of it was not appealing but it was included in the pass so I was getting my money worth. It was with Amazing Bangkok Cyclist,
ABC. There were 2 Dutch, 2 Austrian (Sabrina and Mario) and us two and we culled from 1-5pm. We cycled through the streets, seeing the slums under the bridge by the river, just off the main highway. We saw Little China, learned about 'Sawadee ka'
Clasped hands and bow: younger than you (chest) , friends (under chin), parents/elders (under nose), royality or monk (between eyebrows). It was interesting. Next we cycled through a market and to the river, where we hopped on a long tail over to the peninsula to cycle through fruit plantations. We stopped for coke, iced tea (both in glass bottles) and crisps (mine were ketchup flavoured but when I opened them there was a packet or ketchup to dip them into: random). Then on the way back, had some quail egg pancakes and visited a temple that had a 75year old preserved monk in it. We were highway cycling, that was scary, amongst the crazy traffic of Bangkok.
Although it is crazy, they are quite polite drivers and if you put your hand up as a stop sign, they will stop to let you by.
Back to shop, Tom our guide recommended the street food on soi 38 so off we went with Sabrina and Mario. Amazing crabmeat, egg and noddles. Amazing BBQ pork. Then amazing mango sticky rice!!! O my word! The best I've had so far. Could have eaten loads of it. Then we all hopped in a taxi back to Khao San road. We had a funny taxi man who had just started to learn English and called us all 'teacher'. The
Same journey that took 45-50mins on way there, took 1 hrs 20 on way back, the crazy Bangkok traffic. Had a cocktail and beer keg (or two) with them at silk bar. We got quite drunk. I was starving again: got kebab. Then 10minutes later, I was still hungry so got mcdonalds and then still hungry, got some cooked pork sticks: I am officially a fat pie. Had another beer. Got my earring changed and headed to bed at 1.30am.
I woke up sooooo full and bloated from day before. Needed to pack and so far we had no email from bamba even tho wanted leave today. Needed to be in Chiangmai by Thursday night to sort out our Chinese visa. But we got breakfast at our favourite ladyboy place, wandered around. The Internet connection had been crap so I knew I had emails but couldn't read them. By the time I got them, it said the taxi would pick us up at 12 and it was 11.45. Two days of last minute decisions but it all worked out. The taxi man was nice, took us to bus station, annotating everything we could see along the way, then got our tickets, with a free cake and water, and took us to the bus. We arrived in Sukhothai at 6.30pm and got a truck to the hotel for 50baht pp. Pai Sukhothai hotel was nice, brand new room, shared bathroom. Got some dinner, booked next hotel and tried to sleep but the people next door were very loudly skyping at like 11.30pm. So after 10mins, Kenny went and turned the wifi off. They quickly quieted down lol
We got up early the next day for the good few hours trip round the ruins at Sukhothai historical park, a UNESCO world heritage site. Got the bus hahaha (it was such a hilarious looking contraption) for 30baht pp and it took about 30mins to get there. We hired bikes for 30baht also and 110baht in and off we went cycling. Some of the temples had some information about them but mostly they all looked similar to us, some bigger some smaller, so had pigeons and some had dogs. Think we should have taken a guided tour, but ooo well, maybe next time. It was a nice cycle on really crappy bikes, I liked the lotus ponds. We got back to hotel to discover my broken glasses, the temple about to fall off. Sad because they are my good ones and they don't seem to have screws here for them, maybe the next place. Picked up again by a random, took to bus terminal where they bought our tickets and we waited for the bus to Chaingmai. It arrived 30mins late and was the worst bus yet. The seat didn't have any padding, and our bags were soo dirty by the time we reached Chiangmai. I also had to do a run down the bus to stop it driving off without Kenny who had gotten off to go to the toilet, always an adventure.
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