Kirstie Jan 24, 2015 Tanks we sis. Give it a couple of years and you can do the same, with a few helpful tips from this blog :) and me meeting you along the way of course!
Wee Sis Jan 20, 2015 Had a nosey through this, looks amazing. Well jealous that I'm in liverpool struggling through final year and your away living the dream!
Kirstie Oct 7, 2013 Thank you for having us Ramona!! A few new entries up to let ya know what we've been up to xx
Ramona Sep 6, 2013 Keep adding pictures so we can keep track of ya! So great to have you hang out at our house in Camrose!
Kirstie Aug 5, 2013 Having a great time Claire and Joy. And yes Kenny has shown his mad side. Will get more pics up soon xx
Claire Mccluskey Aug 3, 2013 Hey Kirstie ! Your pics look amazing. This blog was a great idea! Looks like your both having a blast! Xxx
Kirstie Jun 21, 2013 I have some blogs up for you Now Hazel, have to get to a computer to put more pics up. Will so soon tho :) We will Suzanne, thanks :)