On arrival in Ottawa, I learnt two things:
A) It's absolutely roasting!!!
B) we are spending two nights in jail!!
(I kinda put a comment on Facebook saying the latter, put a bit of panic into some friends who took it literally haha)
So HI Ottawa was a jail for 150 years and converted to a hostel in the 70s. Luckily for us, we got the 9th floor which was originally a women's and children hospital wing a not so much cell-like. But poor Nancy, Ronja and Kevin got the privilege of sleeping in an actual cell with iron cell doors. And two toilets for a whole floor of about 100 people! At one point they closed the door, and panicked when they couldn't open it again. Locked in their cell shouting "Help me!!" in English, German and Danish hoping someone would help them haha.
To get onto the feel of the jail theme, Kenny shaved Steffs head (this is ok as Steff usually has a shaved head) and then Steff shaved Kennys!! I walked in half way through and thought, o dear god!! As the real reason was that we wouldn't justify a two weekly salon haircut for him, I felt bad if it turned out crap. So out he appears... He looks like a bloody criminal!! Haha it took a bit f eating used to an using suncream on his virgin white head...
So that night we had dinner made by the lovely Simon and a few beers. Then we went to watch a really good lights show on the parliament building; it was a amazing!! And free. We sat on the grass in front and watched as the lights tell the story of the formation of Canada. (Really good pic's on my camera to follow.)
That night, I woke briefly to which my immediate reaction was, cover my head with the sheet so I don't see any ghosts!!
The morning started with needing some retail therapy; packing in a rush meant not enough shorts or socks. So got that sorted then had a tour of the jail. Learnt about lots of unhappy prisoners, the anti-suicide railings, the torture cell with heating pipes, the room at the bottom where they put people with infectious disease to die, and of course death row and how their are always Irish people in the stories. That nights sleep was abut more restless!!
The rest of the day, we spent some time at the parliament building (as Ottawa is the capital) and went up the bell tower for a lovely view over the city. As soon as that was over, the overwhelming heat sent us straight to the beach on petree island. Water a bit dirty for my liking, but it was either they or melt :) Met some of Cslebd froebds who were from Ottawa. As its on the border with Quebec, the most french part of Canada, many of the locals are bilingual. So they spoke 'Franglais'; started a sentence in English, answered it in French. so hard to keep up with and perfect accents for both languages!! So got myself all dried off ready to go, Kenny comes along and drops me back into the water. What he didn't realise was that muscle woman (me) would pull him in with me :) but randomly, Caleb had just given him his phone, so in the phone went too. Oops (lucky it was that hot, that it dried out)
Last night on Moose Tour East, Schooner, we went to a fancy hotel for dinner, Fairmont Chateau. Really lovely, watched the beautiful sunset but I stuffed myself with the bread rolls to start. (The joys of travelling; eat everything in sight that's free!)
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