So its New Years Day and im feeling slightly delecate!!!! Had a BRILLIANT night though!
We arrived in Sydney on the morning of the 30th. we were SO tired! the bus journey was a little horrible but not as bad as expected. But just as we were about 45 minutes away from Sydney, the bus ran out of petrol!!!!!!! We were so annoyed, but there was nothing we could do about it, so we just laughed! We went to Sams friends house to leave our bags off and have a quick wash before we hit the sales!! Didnt end up buying to much tho, which was good!! We went back to collect our bags and then headed for Tommys house (sams friend who we are staying with). He lives in a place called Dee Why, which is just in the suburbs of Sydney just passed Manly. So me and Sam have our own room is a lovely house for the next few days! They boys were all going out that night, but i was SO tired from the bus journey and i wanted to save my energy for NYE! So me and Sam ended up watching a film and heading to bed around 9pm!!!! The next day we left to go into the city at around 2pm, but all the places we had planned to go were already startinmg to be closed off because they had reached their capacity! So we ended up going to the other side of the bridge to a place called Belmane Warf to watch the fireworks. You couldnt see the fire works or anything but it was still really good. We had a view of the bridge, but from the back. Dont think there was a single Australian person there!! There were LOADS of irish and scotish! All backpackers! loads of people were already a bit worse for wear when we got there, but they were all in good spirit! The time flew by and before we knew it the family fireworks were going off at 9pm and then the main ones at 12. got chatting to so many cool people, but made sure that me and Sam were together for midnight! We didnt even hear the countdown, so all of a sudden the fireworks start and everyone is running down towards the waters edge! They were good, but i think they could have been better. Maybe it was because we were watching them from the wrong side of the bridge?!?! Still good tho!
When i woke up the next morning it was 10.55am, so i did a countdown for your New Year too!! (because we are in New South Wales, its an 11 hour time difference now!)
We have just spent the day lazing in the park and me and sam are just waiting on a chinese delivery!!!!! And then its a strict diet as of tomorrow as i have indulged a little too much this holiday season!!!!!
I hope you all had a brilliant New Year!!!! I want to hear all about it!
Ooooo i hear the door bell!!!! CHINESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all loads! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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