Well only 2 days left in Sydney till the big Thailand trip!!
Sam left for Melbourne on Wednesday as there is alot of fruit picking work around that area, so ive kinda been on me tod since then... well not really. I met up with some freinds from Brisbane and we went to the beach yesterday. It was SO funny actually because it was SUCH a hot day! Like almost too hot and we got to the beach... were just about to go in the water and a massive storm started! So we hid under a tree for a while but then it got really bad and we decided that standing under a tree in a massive storm in australia wasnt such a smart idea.... so in true british style... we went to the pub! Its alot nicer today and im hoping its going to be good tomorrow cuz im going to the beach with Tessa (jonis friend from uni we randomly bumped into on saturday night!!)
Sydney has been fun. Ive been a bit broke, so i havnt been able to enjoy it as much as i would have liked, but its still been good. Everyone heads down to Sydney for NY, so its been great catching up with loads of people that ive met along the way. The beaches around Syney are so nice aswell. They are around a 40 minute bus journey away, but well worth it! Sydney opera house is amazing aswell! its the most bazar building ive ever seen!! Very strange! I LOVE the bridge here because it makes me feel like im back in the Toon (minus the cold Tyne breeze!!) If you tell an Ozzy that they stole the bridge idea from the Newcastle they wont have any of it!!! Its so funny! The Sydney Festival is on at the mo and the opening night was on Saturday. They had a big free concert on, so loving the word 'free' a bunch of us went down for that. It was SO good. One of our favourite bands were playing and we were so chuffed that we got to see them for free!
My cleaning duties ended as of today which is a VERY welcome relief!! When i strted (as in most jobs you go for over here or else they wont give you a job) i told them i was going to be here for a few months, so when i broke the news yesterday they werent best pleased, but im really not bothered! Im staying there tonight for free and then moving to a place where Sam was staying just round the corner because its only $24 and its quite nice! PLUS free wireless so im gonna try and fit in some Skyping before i head to Thailand on Sunday!
Heading back to my hostel now to do a big suitcase clear out in preperation for the cheapness of Thailand!! there is so much stuff i never wear, but i keep 'just incase'! Im going to be ruthless!! I promise mum!! Ha! I forgot to tell you the last time i spoke to you, but EVERY time we pack, me and Sam end up sitting on the floor shouting 'MUM!!!!!!!' You are the queen of packing!!!!!!! Love you!!!!
Anywhooooo better head on.
Love you all loads.
Let me know the goss back home! I hear Prince Harry made some racist comments!! MSN news! Gotta love it!!!!!!!
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