Greetings from Lima! I must start by saying we actually arrived here friday morning, but it's taken me until now to get on the damn internet at the hostel, to say the other people here hog it is an understatement!!!!!!!!!
I'm totally in agreement with Helen about this place, she hated it the moment we stepped off the plane, it took me a few more hours but I feel exactly the same, basically its a s*** hole, polluted to the extreme and not safe after dark. I can't wait to move on. We move hostels tomorrow and join our tour, then move to Cuzco on tuesday - which everyone's said is miles better. Then on wednesday we begin THE TREK! I'm still feeling unwell (its been since last tuesday now!), but there's little I can do about it, I just hope I'm ok for the trek, after that I couldn't careless, but I've gotta do Macchu Picchu, thats the whole reason we're here!
Other than a trip to the local shops, the beach & a night at the cinema watching Pirates of the Caribean, we've done little else in this supposedly capital city. Hopefully, I'll have more happy reports for you all from Cuzco, until then, adios my friends.
Love Kez xxxxx
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