Hurrah! We're in Cuzco getting ready to leave for our mamouth task of trekking up Macchu Picchu on thursady. However, we leave Cuzco and head by bus to the Sacred Valley tomorrow (more shopping opportunities, yay!) where we're staying overnight before we reach KM82 (the start of the Inca trail to MP). We met the rest of our group yesterday in Lima, which consists again of some ozzies, americans, swedes & spanish. There are ten of us altogether, so a bit smaller group size than the Galapagos trip.
I tried my first cup of cocoa tea this morning and its actually not that bad (I've still to try the inca cola though - it looks far too much like wee for my liking!!!), we got to drink this tea by the bucket loads whilst we're here as its a natural remedy for the high altitude, which literally takes your breath away!
Our flight here was only an hour but as usual it seemed like an eternity for helen, who I hate to say it is getting worse each time we fly . She was literally clinging to me in hysterics earlier, oh well she's got a few weeks before we've got to go through it again
I guess my next entry will be after we've completed the trek, so expect a long entry then and hopefully some new photos (camera permitting!). Love to everyone, Kez xxx
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