Galapagos Islands
There is so much to say about this amazingly addictive place I don´t know quite where to begin, so I´ll tell you my adventures day by day of the tour:
Day 1:
Took our flight from Quito to Galapagos Islands which stopped half way to collect more passengers (very bizarre, especially as this added an additional & unexpected landing and take-off for helen!!!). We did have inflight entertainment though, one of the male flight attendants was blattenly flirting with a girl infront of us (much to our amusement), these south american men have no!?
We stepped off the plane into absolute chaos, collecting our luggage was an experience I´ll not forget in a hurry! From ´Porto Ayora´we meet our boat, ´The Pelikano´. After a quick lunch and allocation of cabins we headed back onland to visit the Charles Darwin Station (home of lonesome George). I must admitt I was a little disappointed with the station as I had had high hopes that it´d be a bit more factual - it was more like a zoo. There was also very little about Darwin´s theory, his discovery of the islands etc.
After tea back onboard we went back ashore with some of our fellow group to a bar to have cocktails at ´bongos´, going back to the boat in the panga when it was dark was a little freaky - no lights on the damn thing either, just the moonlight to guide as back!
Day 2:
After a rough night aboard (sailing until 2am) we left the boat making a wet landing on ´Floreana´. Our guide (Juan Carlos) walked us round the island explaining about the mangroves, aromatic sandlewood trees & other native forna. We stumbled acrossa salt lagoon which was covered in pink flamingo´s, who were doing a very comical dance routine! From there we moved across the island to a white sandy beach (something outta a movie) - home to the sea turtles. The island also had another beach made from volacnic minerals, making it appear olive green in colour!
After a well earned siesta, we moved onto ´Post Office Bay´- home to the famous barrel postbox used by the historical sailors - I followed tradition and left a postcard with no stamp to be collected & hand delivered by anyone passing who lives near to the addresse. Who did I send it to though??? LOL.
Day 3:
Ok, so I thought the previous night sailing whilst we slept was bad, last night topped that! It was so rough, but luckily I must have found my sea-legs as I managed not to puke (sorry, but this is a warts an all account of my adventures!). Its very difficult doing the everyday things, like having a shower in the tinest space ever whilst the boats in a force ten waves!
Heading to ´Punta Suarez´on´Éspanola´ island we were followed in the panga by a very playful group of sealions, they got so close I thought they were gonna hop in for a ride! The rocky hike took in the habitats of lava lizards, marine iguanas (the smelliest creatures, ever!), and nazca & blue footed boobies (no giggles). Further on we found some albatross´s and mockingbirds (which are like rats with wings). From the top of the cliffs we saw a couple of sea blow holes - totally awesome and made for some great photos.
The afternoon we moved onto ´Gardners Bay´still on ´Éspanola´, where the sands were white, the water turquiose and the landscape covered in fur and grey seals who gratiously posed for many photo opportunities!
Day 4:
Today began on ´Santa Fe´, home to the endemic land iguanas, the landscape was very volcanic, rocky terrain covered in only sandlewood trees or pear cactus´. Leaving the islands in the pangas we witnessed two bull sea lions fighting for terroirty, not a pleasant sight as one of them had a hole in their side afterwards!
After a few hours sailing we stopped at ´South Plaza´ where we saw scholes of fish just from standing at the top of cliffs looking into the sea below. A shark either tiger or reef made a brief apperance too. Back onboard whilst talking to the group I spotted a manta ray which tripple jumped outta the sea - very impressive!
Day 5:
Our last day! The previous evening the crew gathered before tea to drink farewell cocktails with us - they we´re like strawberry milkshakes but laced with lots of booze - very nice. The chef also made us a farewell cake - how sweet?!? I was really sad to leave the islands, they have this magnetic pull that just keeps you wanting more from them. Most of our group headed back to Quito & the same hotel as us, so several of us went out for a farewell meal (it actually turned into several farewell meals as everyone was leaving on different days!).
All in all the trip was fabulous, the place amazing and the people we shared it with awesome, cheers guys. x
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