Saturday 23rd January
In the morning when woke up it was very cloudy and looking like it wasn't going to be long until it was going to start raining. We drove to the campervan shop in hope of getting it fixed to find that it was closed. Our next idea was to take a trip to Bunnings (like our B&Q) and asked if they could help us temporarily cover the holes up in any way - but the nice man couldn't help and told us all car repair kind of places close on a Saturday and Sunday in Australia which is strange for us as that's the busiest time! So we are there left looking at the sky and knowing we wouldn't hold out until Monday and so decided to call the campervan company and explain to them what had happened and just pay them to fix it.
Unfortunately the conversation didn't go to plan and the travel wheels guy on the phone told us it was down to us to resolve the situation with the rain coming in, he told us if it got any more damaged because of the rain coming in then we'd get charged for that on top and also that if we wanted to return the van any earlier then we wouldn't be refunded any money. So that was a total waste of time.
We got back to the camp site and asked the lady at reception if anyone could help us cover the holes by getting on the roof and putting black bin bags across the top with tape. Thankfully she had a handy man who had helped Lisa the day before after our power cable had broke (fuse had blown - it wasn't our fault) and had lent us his until Monday. He got on his colleagues buggy and climbed on the roof as it started spitting and got the bin bags on and then told us not to drive anywhere or they might tear. We made a plan to drive out again on Monday to get his cable replaced when we were due to check out anyway and would just hope the bags would hold out the rain.
We then decided to cook some lunch so began with the fajitas as many other people sat under the small kitchen area avoiding the rain doing the same thing. We sat down to eat on the end of the only table that wasn't a family and joined a couple of guys who were also travelling. We hadn't realised that Syril and Syril from our surfing lesson in Byron bay were friends with them - I'd seen one of the Syril's the day before and was laughing that we were at this same campsite but hadn't stopped to properly chat. So there we were with Syril and Syril and new members Chris and Lucas, all from Switzerland eating fajitas and had a couple of ciders hiding from the rain and making the afternoon pass. Some of them couldn't speak great English so the conversation was predominantly held with one of the Syril's but he was helping translate and we talked about differences in culture and what they like to do or think of other places in the world and just generally chatted. By early evening Lisa and I left them and went off to get showered and ready for our bar crawl. We got a bus into town and to the 'beer garden' for half 6ish.
When we went in there was a competition going on of people playing beer pong and lots of pool tables people were playing on and many stood around while the Dj played music. We went straight for the food grabbing a hot dog to munch with our free drink and stood around slightly awkwardly wondering what to do this early on as no pool tables were free. A couple of trips to the girls loo's and realising everyone there was really friendly (we had a girl called Mia add us on Facebook), we relaxed a bit and coloured stickers were being handed out to people to suggest if you were in a relationship (red), horny (yellow) or single (green). Lisa tried to ditch her green one worrying it would make her look desperate and I joined in and put a red one on my top despite at one point meeting a crazy Scottish girl who tried to cover me in yellow and green ones...they were removed before I left the girls toilets! I've always hated the idea of being out where people would wear these sorts of labels on them but it actually worked in my favour of not being bothered all night which was good!
We went onto the next bar which was called Vanity and on the walk over we met a group of Aussies on the crawl celebrating a guy called Nathan's 21st. They were a comical bunch and then there was a couple of games put on in the bar that they were trying to get Nathan to go up for but there were so many young enthusiasts he didn't get picked to play. The Scottish girl on the other hand did get picked for a booty shake off and well.....she truly went for it and even climbed up the wall at one point which had everyone hysterical. In the next bar we left the group we had been with because they went off back to an apartment, the bar was a bit more spacious again good music and a nice atmosphere where we met three guys - Daniel from Newcastle who had latched onto these two Aussie cousins as he was on his own. We chilled for a bit and again watched another forced fun game on the stage, then went onto the final bar Sin. We chilled with Daniel, Christopher and Aaron until poor Adam threw up outside and had to get picked up by his dad... Then Lisa and I had pizza to eat (while Lisa was kicking off with someone for telling her she needed to wear suncream in having fair skin) and got back to the campsite where despite having already spoke outside bars through the night, I called Nick before bed.
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