After some chups (NZ for chips) i got my last bus back to Christchurch again, the 60 hour pass I bought at the start worked out really well and only had 5 hours left at the end. Along the way there were LOADS of seals sitting on rocks and even one brave one sat on the grass vergeway at the side of the road. This was the main state highway, imagine a seal sat on the side of the M1?? The weather was still bitter at 9 degrees or lower. Was glad to be in the bus looking at the coast going by rather than outside.
I returned back to the Coachmans backpacker place where i started my south island trip. Didn't do much in Christchurch for the second time, just some more wandering around, faffing and packing for my trip to Australia. So that was New Zealand done. So I spent 5 weeks in New Zealand in total, and would highly recommend the country as a destination, with lovely, very different scenery. And loads of beasts.
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