This morning my room buddies and I all went to breakfast together including Cynthia and Karlotta. We found a nice cafe serving English breakfast, which everyone wanted which made me laugh as I am the only Brit in the group. There is two from Germany, one from America and one from South America. We are all travelling alone.
We hired mopeds and planned to ride to the Hot Springs that Karlotta had been told about, map and directions in hand we set off. We knew it was about 20km away and the rough direction to head to. The roads were very bendy and initially we took it quite slow. After about 40mins we stopped off at a view point for a drink and took photos of the mountains. Here there were young children dressed in Thai custom clothing, they approached saying "you photo with me", we refused knowing full well we would have to part with money for this. As we were leaving I hadn't finished my coke but couldn't drink anymore and went to put it in the bin, my hand almost at the bin and one of these children had swiped the can from my hand and was running of with it.
We carried on our journey and really had no idea where we were and could not find these hot springs. We attempted to ask people (Thai people) but everyone we asked couldn't speak English or understand our sign language for hot springs!!! We carried on the long bendy road, pretty sure we hadn't done 20km yet, we then came to a boarder control check point, we rode straight through soldiers either side, no one battered an eyelid. At this point we realised we must have gone past it, we stopped and Karlotta checked maps on her phone, we were over 40km away from Pai and we were heading to the Burma border!! We turned around back to boarder control and attempted to ask the soldiers where these bloody hot springs were. They spoke no English, but had rather big guns so smiling sweetly we made a quick retreat.
The adventure didn't stop there, we then decided to turn off at a road, which led us deep in to the middle of a Thai village, everyone stared at us as we rode through, children chased us and again no one spoke any English, but one child and an older lady were pointing for us to go in a certain direction. We followed the direction and after a few minutes all felt a bit freaked out like we were entering in to a horror movie about the tourists being killed off (the hills have eyes style) and quickly turned around and sped back out of the village.
We continued on the road back to Pai, but tried one more turning on the route back, this time it was the right place. The hot springs are not publicised as they are used by the Thai people rather then tourists, we paid 40 baht to get in to the national park where they are situated and rode on. The road was really muddy and slippery on the bikes so after 2km we ditched the bikes and hitched a lift in the back of a truck with some random Thai guy. Thankfully he dropped us at the springs, which was a pretty long way from our bikes. The dirt track we'd come down was full of really steep hills up and down. We now faced the realisation that unless another truck came along we were going to have to trek all the way back to the bikes and that was exactly what happened!! The temperature today was about 36c so it was a very hot trek and we were out all day in the sun.
Eventually we got back to Pai, showered and chilled out for an hour before heading out for dinner. Tonight was a relaxed night, we are all in bed and it's just before midnight.
I've booked an extra night here in Pai and now plan to leave Wednesday to travel to Laos.
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