Have a fantastic last day and night, safe journey home. Look forward to seeing you soon. xxx
No blogs?
Incredible to believe it happened in our life time.... So very sad x x
Those photos of hands are bit scary - glad no rings around your neck yet!!!
Blogs are up to date now... For some reason they had saved as draft rather then published... Having a fantastic time... xxxx
Can't see any blog about firework mishap
No blog yesterday........! I hope you haven't got writers block!! Photos are good though, especially the children, so sweet!! Hope you're having a fab time! xxx
Hope you enjoyed the train journey x
Linda Steele
Don't forget to....
Chill under the sun
Relax under the stars
Sip on a raspberry cocktail
Get a Thai foot massage
Try exotic food
Learn the language of the locals
Most importantly have fun and keep safe
Love you mum x