Arrived at Felix Unite campsite on 3 February for our final 2 nights before leaving Namibia and finally entering South Africa. It was a rough day on the truck for me as I have had a piercing headache for 2 days and terribly body aches, fear that I may have caught the flu. As we arrived my pain level jumped up to a new level and I actually thought that my time on this earth may not be much longer!
As it was our last day on the truck and our last time to erect our tents, we had a tent erection competition. I knew I could not let Laura down after 4 months, so I put my all into getting our tent up quick smart. Considering as soon as we were done I had a coughing fit and apparently looked like I might pass out; I think it was admirable that we came second! I then had to skip the final truck clean and go and lay in the swimming pool in an attempt to lower my body temperature as my body was radiating heat for a 2m radius. Not such timing really as I could not be bothered to clean the truck in 35` heat - again Ruth's methods left little to be desired.
On the 4th I woke to a horrifically sore throat and news from Laura that I had not had a good night and that she was very worried. I apparently moaned eveytime I moved during the night. I tried to explain to her that I was still in excruiting pain that was radiating through my whole body. Laura decided it was time to use her last malaria test as I clearly had it. I felt like I was in the midst of the flu and was not as convinced. But to keep her happy I pricked my finger (it does hurt, so don't believe those that say it doesn't) and had the test. It was thankfully negative and I was left to enjoy my Lemsip, Ibuprofen and additional sleep. Unfortunatley sleeping in the tent past 7pm is like roasting alive, but my mat outside under a tree was really lovely and cool.
The day was spent with everyone getting their stuff off the truck and trying to determine how they are going to get it home. Some have bought heavy stuff, others bulky stuff and some a combination of both. On one of my drug highs I started to negotiate my way through my African possessions. Overall I am pleased with my packing and think that I might just make it home, well after I deposit a box or two at the post office in Capetown of souvenirs that I can't possibly carry due to bulk and weight. I just hope postage doesn't bankrupt me, but I can think about that later...
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