f*** off and stop sending us your smug f***in updates you smug selfish pair of smug f***ing f***ers.
All my love Spencer, the middle son xxxxxxx
Man With No Life
More grey skys pics please. england is like a bottle of cooking oil at the moment. (Crisp & Dry). You don't have to answer straight away but will need to know soon where you have put my xmas prezzy. I drank yours last week. You keep taking the pics and I'll keep taking the tablets. Laters Geeza and Geezette.
PS Late breaking news. Overweight airline passengers may be charged more in Austraila. Thats put paid to yer bar-bies mate.
Dave & Lin
Still looking good out there from all those photos but doesn't sound like like the cc facilities!!!
I am realiably informed by my ossie friend at work who hails from north of Brisbane that the reason the beaches are empty is they are too dangerous for swimming, currents and all that.
Cheerful little soul she is.
Still sounds like the bogs are more scary
Ginger Wizard
Hi Mum and Dad,
glad you are having a good time, sorry about the weather! We are all fine thanks, went to Langley Girls School for the Fireworks and Grandad treated the kids to Lightsabers. You can imagine what happened!! They all loved the show even Ella, she wasn't sure to begin with but got used to it in the end! They all got dressed up for Halloween and went Trick or Treating around all the local roads. They got lots of sweets and Oliver did his usual trick and tripped up catapulting his goodie bag everywhere! They are all asking where you are and Reiss thinks you are in Spain, ARRRH!!
Hope all is well and talk soon,
The Berts x
Ann N Tony
Strewth mate looks BONZA from ere, ows the ol girl standin up wiv you all day? Av yar got ya Diggerydoo out yet, keep practicing it (and the diggy)so's you can do a duet, under the gas heater in the garden, wiv David wen you come back?? Don't go talkin to any locals they may take you in perminat like!! Prob going to NZ in early FEB. Michael came home for R's weddin!!! Keep takin the tablets an check the dunny EVERY mornin befor yo sit darn!!! ENJOY yourselves....you lucky people !!! Give Lee our very best wishes re Xams we really are chuffed for im.
A & T
Staand Ah Dee
looks farkin rippa. very jealous. I have printed out all the blogs and potos in colour and takin it all round to grandads tonite Monday 05 Nov.
See ya later...maybe?
Love Spencer and Lynda
Loving the Nam! Having a great time with Huong we are in Phu Quoc Island at the momment south of Saigon. Really beautiful! Having a little trouble with the internet over here though! Speak to you soon Mum and Dad Have a great time. All the best Lee!
Dave & Lin
Looks a bit quiet on those beaches and the lake, I bet you'll get bored soon !!!!!!!!!!!!
No wonder everyone is talking to you must be wondering who the hell would drive around in a van with britz all over it.
Well you thought shropshire was paradise, looking at the pics I expect you are having second thoughts now.
Bald Fat Bloke
Alarm didn't have to go off this morning as I was so excited about the day! The grey clouds were gathering over Shirley Hills as I made my way round the rubbish bags and discarded coke bottle in Littleheath Woods - Archie running along expectantly beside me. Hardly saw a soul (except for the gang of loud-mouthed youths trying to gang-up on a squirrel). There can't be many places like Croydon - I am so blessed! Still, can't just wander around all morning I have the joy of Reg Rapp to produce (now that a friend of mine is indesposed for a while). Can life really get better than this? The best thing is, I guess, (apart from the continual sound of sirens) the 'moderate' temperature - we only had to keep the fire on till we went to bed last night!
Man With No Life
Yea Ok got the message. It's warm, sunny, the countrys great. Your having a good time. Don't rub it in. Remember every day there is a day closer to having to come home. Serouusly though ENJOY
Man With No Life
yea Ok don't rub it in. It won't last forever. Ha, so there. Seriously though nice to see you smiling. Lancashire is nice also but not the weather for a bar-b-q. Do try not to post so many pics please I might top myself.
Michelle Long
Yeah - it's OK over here isn't it, still have to pinch myself sometimes!!!! Glad you arrived without drama or incident, hope it continues that way. Please make sure you give me a buz or drop me a line when you get to Sydney as would love to meet up even if only for a coffee. Am keeping the clan up to date with your news. xx