S: We arrived after a fairly comfortable night bus at 6am. We rang Mr Ting who was the owner of the guesthouse and he came to collect us. We arrived back and well what a welcome hot tea and banana to start with, and then the biggest breakfast. We had eggs, baguettes, jam, home made peanut butter and fruit with coffee, not bad for an additional 60p.
We already knew we were going to go canyoning even if I was a little skeptical. It would be great fun, but I knew my back would make me pay for it.
J: We went canyoning that day. It started off with general safety bits and the company motto of "don't be lazy, be crazy!" Which was a summary of the day really, we started with water slides, which was lying on our backs and skidding down rapids headfirst. We abseiled down a couple of cliffs that were dry, which they made into a race between us so we were jumping down releasing the rope instead of walking down slowly.
Then on to the biggest challenge of the day, abseiling down a waterfall! It was bloody slippery and when still 5-6 meters from the bottom you had to push out and jump away from the water suction below, I loved it!
S: I had no problem with the water until this point and it just became too much and unfortunately I declined to complete the abseil. Which was a little guttering but it just wasn't going to happen.
J: After this we went cliff diving which was 14 meters high from the top one, what made it more challenging was we had to run then jump as the cliff wasn't nice and straight so we had to jump past the first part of the cliff, that made it intense as the guides simply said be careful as we can't help you, but don't get it wrong! This not many people did bit I couldn't say no! Got a buzz from that one too!
S: By now my confidence was at a low and I certainly wasn't going to jump the 14-meter but with James holding my hand I did do the 7-meter jump. The last water activity of the day was the "washing machine," which involved abseiling down into swirling water which sucked you down under water for 5 seconds and then spat you out down the river. Afterwards we came back to the hotel, and our hotel owner, Mr Ting, had cooked a massive meal for 12 of the guests. It was amazing, and the rice-wine was great too. It was nice to share stories with everyone and James and Mr Ting got on very well drinking together.
The last sightseeing in Dalat was to go to the crazy house, it's like Alice in Wonderland. An extremely crazy structure and you could even pay to stay in some of the rooms. No thank you I decided, it's was scary climbing some of those steps and having no walls to stop you falling of the edge.
- comments
Victoria Veness The canyoning looks like fun.......well done Sam!!xx