Today we go on a tour of the cu chi tunnels which is an area where vietnam soilders fought from tiny tunnels 10-15m underground. We get on the bus and straight away everyone is really friendly and talking about their travels etc, the guide tells us a bit about the war and then tells us we will be stopping half way to the tunnels to 'look at some disabled people' which we found a bit strange. He then explains to us about agent orange which was a toxic gas the US soilders put allover vietnam. It was the deadliest gas ever known to man and it killed most people instantly and contaminated the crops and water of those who escaped it, those who survived the attacks later found that their children were born with serious birth defects, and is said to go on for generations of anyone involved! Millions were effected and I found it so strange that this was the first if heard about it! We go to this workshop where there were about 50 men, women and children all with severe disfigurements creating pictures and gifts to sell in the shop, it was very interesting to watch, making beautiful pictures out or materials such as egg shells and pearls, unfortunately we couldn't afford to buy anything he were offering and after a small break we get back on the bus. When we get the tunnels the guide shows us all the different types of traps the would use on the American soilders, most of them camouflaged in the ground with drops down on to spikes covered in snake poison or animal faeces in case the solider were not killed instantly. Next we went down into the tunnel which had been widened for tourists, we had to hunch down to walk the 150 metres through the tunnel, I was fine with this until someone said the saw a rat!!! Which is when i started freaking out! When we eventually make it to the other side we are hot and sweaty and can't understand how the soldiers lived down there for so long! With up to 100 of them at a time! Then the guide shows us the original sized tunnels which are even smaller! We are so hot but decide to go for it anyway only a few from the group do so we feel quite brave! This time we have to crawl the whole way, and it's pitch black so even if there were rats we would never know! After this we watch a video telling us a bit more about the war and then it's back on the bus and home after a long day!
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