Sorry Jen forgot to say yeh we were getting bit tired of the actual travelling living out of a bag etc and we had the flight home so we thought why not and we know its not the end of the travelling as were heading back to oz for the next part of the trip and hopefully to new zealand to xxx
Hiya Jen
Me and Jon were watching the video that peter did and we got really new zealand sick we cant wait to come back and see you we were laughing ur heads off at it even through all the bowling and the darts and the pete and jon show! Loved being back for about 2 days but raring to go back now heading to oz late july we think so you and pete need to book yourselves on a flight to sydney the 4 of us would have a great time even with pete the japanese tourist filming everything!!! Miss you both so much!!!! xxxxxxx
Hey Kris, whats going on?!! What are you doing back in blighty? Have you had enough of travelling? Peter and I were only saying last night that you guys would be heading to Aus. soon enough... please tell me you guys are coming back?! love Jenx
Sorry KT skipped it in the end went straight into thailand.
Never knew that Aunty Pat never saw a prison tho only saw loads of bars and malls! I know mum mentioned the story about the couple who fell off an elephant sounds like we had a lucky escape they are dangerous! Back in Thailand now to chill out on the grgeous beaches have been to 4 different countries in 2 weeks need a break from the bus!!!
Been busy so no messages from me. Read your journals today and in a great many of the pictures in Hanoi you seem to be drinking large cocktails. Must say I am really envious! After your escapades with the elephants there was a story int he paper about a couple really injuring themselves. KL is where your great aunt Dora and her husband lived for quite a while. He was the governor of the prison there. Take care of yourself. Aunty Pat XXX
just a tip, go to penang and get the boat straight to lankawi, penang not so nice but they do have good bars where ladies drink 4 3 all night on certain nights
Mum & Dad
Hi, have written u a EMail, but ntl seem to be playing up a bit of late, so in case u don't get it, ring home but only if u want to for a chat, need to discuss oz with u, reverse the charges,(cheapest way poss if u can) xxxxxxx
hi gang
am in malaysia now in Kuala Lumpar heading up into the highlands tomorrow so wont hear from me in a few days am off to some tea plantations...i dont even like tea but oh well then heading north to north of malaysia then trying to sneak past the thai border without an onward flight!!!! so if caught we may be deported!!!! not really dont panic mum i would never do that...would i????
hate the stupid open bús ticket everywhere takés so long to get to and the buses ảre so uncổmfortable we drove 200km today and it tôok 7 hóurs 7 hóurs!!!!!! could have taken about 2 hóurs ìf we drove óurself wêre going a little bit further âgain tổmorrow and íts going to take flaming 9 hóurs hate it hate it hate it rant ovẻr....until next time
Hi Mum
Of course i knew you were being sarcastic! Still stupid thing to do tho isnt it its pointless but nevermind stupid sta who changed my site without even telling me rah!
Hi Mum
Yeah i gathered that you were being sarcastic i am your daughter i know when you are being serious and when your being sarcastic!!! Still stupid thing to do tho isnt it its pointless but nevermind stupid sta who changed my site without even telling me rah!
Thanks for sending us over some sunshine today.Hope all is well with you both. By the way Sta has started a form of security encryption in order to post a message on your travel journal mb, a simple maths question, I was being sarcastic, but it fell on stony ground.