In case Mum doesn't tell you about the maths question - and I wondered what she was on about too - sorry Kim - they ask you to do a simple maths question so they know we are real people posting messages as opposed to what Sta describe as a bot posting spam!
Hi Kris - hope you have recovered from the elephant. Glad you made it to Vietnam. Hope you are enjoying yourself although i am not too sure that I would like to go. I had a student once from the coast and she reckoned it was beautiful. She had an older English husband but I am not sure about cradle snatching although I know you said that was Thailand. Last card I got was from Pattaya which looks lovely. Had trouble navigating my way round the website as they have changed it but here I am again. You take care. Love Aunty Pat.
Hi Mum and Kt
you were right should have listened to my big sis all along and well done mum for the maths question...what is that all about anyway!!!!
Hi treasure, glad your ok, be careful crossing those so called roads!! will Email u soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just passed the sta maths question, was very hard!
did tell you they were all a bunch of thieving ba**ards
getting bit sick now of seeing craddle snatching old men with young thai girls and boys!!!! its so disturbing!!!!
Hi Max
I cant believe i fell off aswell i sort of dived off and jono sort of bounced off but he fell from the top so was worse than mine! You know what im like always get myself into trouble am surprised the tiger didnt bite me!!!
Hi Teresa
Yeah i think we must be known as Tarzan and Jayne now altho i cant believe we both fell off!!! The hotel we are staying in is lovely so were enjoying that and went out for a few drinks and a lovely bar called vertigo which is on the 59th floor of a hotel so is on the roof was very posh!!! I know he misses you and Marc lots though! Have let him know about the new site working ok its got a weird look to it now hasnt it!
Hello honey
The elephants sound great, cant believe you fell off!lol, typical! Glad you are having a good time. Miss you as alwaysxxxx
P.S Happy birthday Jonox
Hiya Kris or are you and Jon known now as Tazan and Jayne round them parts, just worked out how to look at your journal you and Jon are having the time of your lives i am so proud of you both and just love reading the journals they are so interesting and funny and i am learning a lot about the countries you are visting and their customs.
Hi can you let jon know i have worked out the new site
Dont forget to spoil my son today on his birthday i know you will . Love you both and miss you take care love Teresa xxxxx
Sorry forgot to say where i am off to next am staying in Bangkok and around that area til 22nd March then off to Vietnam then Cambodia then back to Bangkok then we are travelling down to the islands and beaches
Hi Aunty Pat
Yes i fell off and really hurt my knee so did Jono and we thought he broke his shin but he is ok so they remind us that they are wild animals still but was amazing experience. Have sent some postcards from Thailand today takes 2 weeks tho to get home. Yeah mum said you came down and saw nan and grandad hope they are both ok i write to them every place i go and send some pics etc xx