well we have arrived and were right by ko san road the travellers paradise there is so much stuff i want to buy i am in heaven!!! its so hot at night thought its still 35 degrees and hotter in the day so i have never felt that kind of heat before but i like it were only staying for 4 nights then going north for a few days to volunteer with some elephants we get to wash them and feed them stuff sounds good then coming back to bangkok for jonos birthday and were staying in a posh hotel so looking forward to that!
I actually tried some food of the street stalls and was delicious we had spring rolls some noodles and rice pancakes and pineapple was yummy, i prefer koh san road much more at night its alot more alive but i can only stand to be outside for about 10 mins then i feel way to hot and have to find some air con somewhere, we went to the malls today was really big and so many shops and tomorrow were going to apply for our vietnam visa i think and see some temples etc dreading it tho cos you have to cover knees and shoulders so going to get very hot!!!! quite like thailand though looking forward to seeing the south tho with all the nice beaches but that wont be for a while yet
Today we ventured off to the temples so we had to cover our shoulders and legs with no flip flops was so hot walking around like that but we had to do it so we went to the grand palace and the reclining budha was ok but to be honest its more jonos thing than mine and when your that hot its hard to care but it was ok then we got a tuk tuk to get something to eat and oh my god i loved it and have decided i should buy one when i get back in pink of course and what a great way to zoom around on just think i could drive to work in it, zoom round and pick up my mates or take mum or dad to the shops its the only way to get around!!! Tomorrow we are going to go to vietnam embassy to get our visa sorted so staying a little while longer in bangkok before we go volunteer with the elephants, apparantly its about 40 degrees there so should be fun!!! hope to get a tan tho hopefully not malaria so shall take the tablets soon
Had a thai oil massage today...the first 10 mins was nice but the she/he/whatever really started to hurt she was really strong for a little thing and tried to click me all over the place which i hated and she got me at some points in my back that well hurt so will be giving that a miss in the future, jono had the thai massage so got clicked all over the place but he likes that, and i had to get naked in a room full of strangers i kept on my bra and my knick knacks felt a little bit of a prude but there was this guy in the next bed over who looked liked he was enjoying himself a bit to much so felt very strange!!!! We went to vietnam embassy today and picking up our visa tomorrow then fri were finaly leaving for kanchanburi looking forward to going there getting bit bored of bangkok now especialy as were coing back next week for jonos bday and thats when were going to see a thai boxing match not my thing at all but jono wants to go and feel mean if he went by himself so will go and shut my eyes!!! Got the vietmam visa was easy peasy and off to kanchanburi today to play with the elephants over the weekend xx
Well on our second visit to bangkok we went to the thai boxing, was quite expensive and tourists are charged like 4 times the price of thails but thats whats its like over here is annoying though, anyway we got 2nd class tickets, 3rd clss is standing wth all the mad thais all betting 2nd class is stone seats like steps ad there is first class tickets that is ringside so we went for 2nd class, it was so brutal and i saw 3 boys get knocked out unconscious i was so worried abot them i almost cried- i hate boxing ayway and this was so much worse jon loved it and was certainly an experience, then we stayed in the twin towers(unfortnate name i know) for jonos bday and was so posh it was great we had our complimentary dressing gowns and slippers on and had champagne bubble bath and went out for some cocktails and went to a lovely bar called vertigo whch is on the 59th floor of a hotel and on the roof so its all open aired is very posh ad felt like a celeb sitting there but could only afford a coke!!!
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