On the first night we arrived at 2 in the morning so we thought we would get a taxi we asked about 3 different taxis and none of them would take us to our street which was annoying but eventually someone did and realised it was only round the corner so thats was probably why nevermind we made it. Hostel was really nice again and the first day we were there we went to Balboa Park and went to the famous San Diego zoo where we saw koalas and Giant Pandas was good and weather was great. Next day we went to Tijuana in Mexico, was really looking forward to going, got there no border control whatsoever just waltzed on in, everyone calls you amigo and come into my shop and have a look at my junk! The whole street was like that got really annoying and was so hot only stayed there for 2 hours was really rubbish not like the real mexico at all they even accepted dollars over their own currency!. On the third day we went sea kayaking at Le Jolla Caves which was really good, the kayaks were tandem so we had to get into partners....i think after about 5 mins Jono regretted going with me i was so rubbish i couldnt turn it or paddle backwards so we kept going off course and was really pants at it but i tried my best! we got metres away from sea lions in the wild and then we were supposed to go into this cave but the waves were really rough, the guide asked us if we wanted to go in and all of us in the group being brits said oh yes were going in, so off we went in our pairs to try and get inside the cave we stupidly went first and we hit the wall a few times as i was at the front(apparantly the lightest person goes at the front but theyre also the driving force of the kayak so we were screwed) then we got into the cave and the water was swirling all around and was really rough was nice inside though then the guide comes in and says whatever you do dont fall out cos you will be sucked in by the current and never seen again....he later said he could see the fear in my eyes so we paddled back out just as a huge wave was coming in was really scared but we made it!!!! Maybe there should be a programme about me.... what Kristina did next!!!!! Then we was watching out for leopard sharks but couldnt see any(dont worry they dont eat humans!!!). So that was really cool and met 3 nice guys from England Matt, Jamie and Aaron who we went out with later that night on a bit of a bar crawl round downtown San Diego which was good to have a night out. Next day was Thanksgiving so we arranged to go over to the sister hostel at Point Loma they picked us up at 1 and arrived there to be told dinner wasnt til 5.30 which was really annoying as we had to just sit around wasting the time away but we had a walk down to the beach and saw all the surfers then we had our turkey and cranberry etc as you all know how much of a fussy eater i am i only really had some turkey but Jono enjoyed his pumpkin pie and all the trimmings! I quite enjoyed San Diego actually weather was good and has beaches, good nightlife and shops etc so was good. When people ask where your off to next and say LA they all grimace and say how horrible it is but apparantly there is alot of rivalry in the California Cities so we will see for ourselves soon. Will hopefully put all the rest of the pics from usa before we leave for cook islands
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