So we crossed the border into Honduras which was a bit of a disappointment after the fun, beauty and culture of Guatemala.The majority of the country is inhospitable and inaccessible jungle with the remainder being a bit of a dump.We discovered a sweet little cobbled town in Santa Rosa de Copan but otherwise we decided to hot foot it out of the mainland and over to the Caribbean island of Roatan.
Now you may recall from our previous blog that we mentioned something about getting a decent night´s sleep.You see after spending every other night in a different bed, you get a bit particular about your sleeping room requirements -proximity to the bar, roosters, barking dogs… and after our first night in Honduras we added to the list proximity to fat snoring men.After two nights in the rooster-infested nightclub and me being poorly, we were desperate for a good night´s sleep but sadly the only room available in the port town before heading over to the island was essentially a hallway with some spare beds in it.We managed to settle down for the night… only to be awoken by an overweight Spaniard who had come in after us.Poor bloke - no matter what position he rolled into, the noise emanating from his nostrils was just supersonic.After about 10 minutes of us pleading with him in broken Spanglish to stop, we decided on another course of action - Ant and Ash carried their mattresses up to the kitchen and I found a bed in another room that was soaked through under a leaking roof.
So with even redder eyes the next morning, we took the ferry over and did the only thing our bodies would let us.Sunbathe and sleeeeep.With a bit of snorkelling thrown in now and then.As the photos show, we managed to get in a bit of Caribbean Paradise with white sandy beaches and crystal clear blue sea and soon recharged our batteries.We even ended up staying longer than planned when a storm cut the island off from civilisation leaving us with only Pictionnary and sleep for entertainment.By the time the ferries were running again, we decided to say goodbye to Honduras and made the long trek down to El Salvador…
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