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New blog entry posted
Bolgheri, Italy

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Panzano, Italy

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Florence, Italy

New blog entry posted
Levanto, Italy
Sasha I'm almost at the point where I can't read this anymore. I'm too freaking jealous. I've been dying to go to CT for years. Had a cute little place all picked out in Vernazza too but then sadly, our trip was canceled . (Uncle Johnny :( )Your killing me with the yummy wine and pasta. Hey, I turn 43 this year, let's celebrate and go again! Who's in? You? And why is everyone wishing you a happy bday today...it's not until next month.

New blog entry posted
Levanto, Italy
Kats At Sash - yes a lot of alcohol but some days less than others. Tke today (Friday) for example, we didn't drink at all. Can't wait to get home tomorrow...missmthenkids something fierce!
re: Bolgheri - FlorenceSasha It all sounds perfect. Thank God you did all that research and it's paying off. The drinking though....not sure I could keep up.
re: Bolgheri - FlorenceSasha I'm almost at the point where I can't read this anymore. I'm too freaking jealous. I've been dying to go to CT for years. Had a cute little place all picked out in Vernazza too but then sadly, our trip was canceled . (Uncle Johnny :( )Your killing me with the yummy wine and pasta. Hey, I turn 43 this year, let's celebrate and go again! Who's in? You? And why is everyone wishing you a happy bday today...it's not until next month.
re: Cinque TerreEva Ferranti Love the blog ! sounds like your having a blast . Seriously Good thing it was your phone not your foot . Have a safe happy time Love auntie
re: Day two - PiedmontESamarin Dearest "Honeycuroffs", Ive just booked a flight, be there tomorrow! Love, Dad Sounds wonderful, enjoy safely.
re: Day two - PiedmontSasha So jealous!!! Damn I wish I was there. Keep up the blogging even if I'm the only one reading it. The picture you texted was absolutely gorgeous. Liz says to be careful acting like humpty dumpty on the wall. Remember all the kings horses and all the kings men....well, you know what happened. Post some pics man. Seriously, it couldn't be easier so figure it out!! Ciao
re: Day two - PiedmontSasha Eat and drink, eat and drink, eat and drink!!! Woohoo!! So fun watching soccer in Europe. Enjoy dude!!
re: Almost there...Sasha Duuuuuude!! Insane. Can't wait to hear all about it.
re: We will soon be heading out on my dream vacation.Sasha Oh, and another thing...why no photos? What's a blog without photos? Just a bunch of writing. C'mon, let me see something.
re: SpoiledSasha If I were the dive guide I'd be a little worried too with you two. Showing up unprepared and reeking of alcohol I'm sure. Glad you didn't get lost or get the bends idiot. And I can't believe the diving off the GBR was just meh. You better check yourself girl.
re: Spoiled- last visited

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Sasha It all sounds perfect. Thank God you did all that research and it's paying off. The drinking though....not sure I could keep up.
Kats At Sash - yes a lot of alcohol but some days less than others. Tke today (Friday) for example, we didn't drink at all. Can't wait to get home tomorrow...missmthenkids something fierce!