It's now Saturday evening in Ho Chi Minh City and I am BOILING, you cant do anything without sweating it's disgusting.
Yesterday we went to the war museum, which was quite good, but again TOO HOT. It was full of lots of photographs which were really shocking/depressing but also great insight into what actually happened. The place was extremely biased towards the Vietnamese but I think that's fair enough seeing as America has made plenty of biased war films in their time... There was a lot of pieces on Kim, the girl in the famous photograph of children who had been attacked with napalm running away screaming (if that rings a bell?) She now works for unicef and helps a lot with sufferers of napalm attacks. I bought her book so that should be a good read when I get round to it.
After getting taxis back (which always always try to rip you off, luckily I have backup in these girls!) we headed for the post office to send back some items. Unfortunately Laura lost her credit card so she had to sort that out which is a massive hassle so I am going to take extra extra care of mine! Got to the post office and stupidly I forgot half of the stuff I was meant to send back! So I sat there whilst the girls sorted theirs...for TWO HOURS!!!! Sitting in a post office reminiscent of old banks in London (was thinking of Mary Poppins, half expecting d*** Van Dyke to stroll in asking for my tuppence) was not the best fun but hey ho. Sending my stuff out tomorrow now.
We went back and out for dinner which was great as we came across 2 litres of vodka and orange for 100,000 dong, about 3.80! Lovely. Also, free Eden shots which consisted of rum, pineapple and strawberry. Mmmm...? Ended up having a great time there, met lots of backpackers (keep meeting people from Croydon!!) and generally had a bloody good time, was good to let off some steam.
So waking up with a hangover after 4 hours sleep for the Chu Chi Tunnels wasnt on the top of my list but at least I made it unlike another girl haha! The most horrific bus took us on the two hour journey just north of here and we were shown around by a very obviously anti american vietnamese guy, who had an american accent! He was very entertaining though and it was amazing to see the strategy they used during the war. There are about 250km of tunnels around Saigon, and they are so unbelievably small. I didn't feel up to trying to squeeze through them, but Laura did, and from her account it is pitch black, you can't see a single thing and you have to feel your way around. They have a slightly bigger tunnel for tourists but couldnt even manage that! (Was so funny when the slightly large Australian girl got stuck in the entrance hole!!! Photos to come!)
The place is scattered with lots of air holes sticking out of the ground, I swear I tripped over 90% of them, I was in such a daze! They also showed us a lot of the booby traps that were installed, they were horrific. Most killed pretty istantly, but one was called the souvenir trap, where an American would step in and get his foot caught in spikes. He would then be taken to hospital and take the trap home with him. Apparently veterans have been coming back, trap in hand...
The whole tour took a few hours and by then I was ready for bed! Got back to the bus and made the what seemed very long journey back.. had dinner, watched White Chicks (they have so many english channels here it's crazy!) and now ready to go home and retire... the girls leave tomorrow so I have a day on my own, then flying to Phnom Pehn, Cambodia on Tuesday afternoon where I begin a 7 day tour! Hopefully it will live up to it's huge expense!!
Til the next time, lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PS - LOVE that they censored d i c k van d y k e!!
PPS - Forgot the best bit about the tunnels, firing an AK47 at some rabbit cut outs! Was sooooooooooo loud I thought my ear drums were going to burst, and when firing the gun it hits back into your shoulder quite hard - ace with sunburn. I am also very disturbed at the Vietnamese guy next to me looking up soft core porn asian girls and shaking his legs vigorously........
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