I am currently in Sydney, NSW! The weather here is soooooo much nicer..
My last days in Melbourne (boohoo) were spent doing more touristy stuff..I went (hungover after the awesome neighbours night) to the museum - mainly to check out the original Neighbours set from the Robinson household. The museum was really good, had a lot of evolution/marine life exhibits which to be fair were like every single similar museum in London so that got a bit boring.. but the Melbourne Life or whatever it was called part of it was good. But I couldn't for the life of me find the Neighbours set! So I asked the docent where it was, (really embarrassing by the way) and she said that they got rid of it when they put the new exhibit in! GUTTED! My face just dropped..she must've thought I was a complete loser (fairly true). I left in a bit of a mood and made my way back into town for a wander, stumbled upon China Town and random places, and found the best ever shop, Price Line... it reminds me of Wilko, sells really cheap cosmetic-y kind of stuff, shampoos etc...I got a mini hair dryer for $11 (about 5quid) whereas they'd been $25 everywhere else! Score!
In the evening I met with a friend of a work colleague called Catherine who was lovely! She took me to all the hidden bars of Melbourne - they really are hidden! You could be down a horrible, rank alley way and there's a tiny door that leads to a fantastic bar. So Cath took me to a few of these and kindly paid for my drinks and nibbles..lovely lovely lady.
Next day I had to leave lovely Melbourne for pastures new...Sydney!
I arrived at the airport yesterday and the amazing Ben (Sara Gore's cousin who has been to england a few times) picked me up! Wayhey! He lives about 20 mins from the airport but he took me on a tourist detour, going over the Harbour Bridge and getting out to take some tourist shots of the Bridge/Opera House (and Luna Park - these old school theme parks which have really scary entrances!) After that we went back to Ben's place in Lilyfields (about 15 minutes out of the city, nice little place) and chilled out, so awesome to have a nice place to stay (and not pay for accomodation for a bit!). Also was ace to test out my dvds from Vietnam again, catching up on some Scrubs action!
I'm sleeping on the futon in the front room and feel bad because the others get up for work so early they're tip toeing around the lazy traveller bum sleeping in and generally just having a lot of fun! I eventually got up, sorted myself (aaah, nice shower!) and made my way to the city. I took the bus down to Circle Quay which is the ferry port to Manly etc and did the touristy thing around the Opera House/Bridge. Met some crazy old American who insisted on having his picture taken with me in front of the Opera House (yeah - WHY?!) and then I ran away to the Royal Bontanic Gardens that were just next door. Which were nice but really boring so I made a quick exit towards the city centre.. and then the girls called! Hooray! I met with them and we had lunch/browsed the city etc. I've now decided to join up with them in Byron Bay on Sunday and travel Aus with them. They leave a week before me but I think I may head down to Melbourne for some more time there once they're gone as I really loved it there. Oh and an awesome thing happened in the city today - a Jesus lookalike was giving out free hugs! Couldn't say no, went and gave him a big hug, he was very comfy, he had a velour coat on (that was probably flea infested, but hey) that was so soft! He was giving out free hugs 'because it makes people smile'. That or think you're a complete nutcase.
Tonight is Ben's sisters birthday and she's going to her old uni to celebrate - cheap drinks here we come!
Not much to update really, hopefully it will be more interesting next time!
Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxx
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