4 countries, 3 months, 2 friends and 1 huge trip!
Woo Surfer's Paradise!!
With Coaster our driver (a typical hot aussie surfer dude!) we cruised into surfer's about half four that afternoon, got unloaded at the transit centre and got to our hostel. It was really nice, but quite far out of the main area of surfers. We got into our room (which was expensive and thoroughly complicated payment method which got confused with paying a deposit through booking on hostelworld!) and we were in the room with Lynn.
That evening we had decided to play mini golf with Kyle and Liam so we (eventually!) found each other (a slight misunderstanding and a realisation that there were TWO mini golf courses in Surfer's...not just the one we had seen...oops!) We had tea first then got playing in the dark. It was good fun, and Lynn won! Woo go Scotland/Shetland! Amber tried and tried bless her :) Kyle and Liam were very competitive and that rubbed off on me as on the last hole, I was last to play...I got a hole in one!!!!!!!! Never before and probably never again. It was momentous and it shall go down in history. You should be proud Dad!
We were all pretty tired after 18 holes which probably were stretched across the size of a small corner shop lol so we went back to our respective hostels.
The next day we hired a car (after a bit of trekking around and decision making, waiting for the man of about 70 to hobble around and decide to serve us!) and we got a Suzuki Swift Automatic! We all piled in the tiny car and little Lynn drove like a Scot round Surfer's Paradise, with Liam as chief navigator in the front directing us to Coolangatta, a really cool beach about 40km South of Surfers. A classic phrase for Liam was 'we will be going over the bridge over water soon - look out for it!' bless him. We got there successfully after a few scenic routes! We had a nice picnic (not on the beach - Amber AND Kyle could not deal with the sand issue in the sandwiches!).
We got onto the beach and me, Liam and Kyle braved the waves. They were AWESOME!!!!! Brilliant fun, really took me off my feet, whilst the boys stood there laughing at me being wiped out again and again by them! Really tiring but big lot of fun. Before this day Liam had HATED the beach, but ever since this momentous day he now loves the beach, all because of the amazing waves! We went back in and sun bathed (it was SO hot!) then we decided to get going. We had a club crawl night out to get back for!
Later on, we got ready to go out, then got our free BBQ...this consisted of 1 piece of bread plus a sausage. NO joke! We thought this was going to turn out to be a rubbish night but the boys got to our hostel...they weren't wearing jeans so they wouldn't be allowed in any clubs! No one told them this when they bought their ticket so they were annoyed, luckily a guy lent them each a pair of jeans which actually fit them both! After a quick drinking game 'Roxanne...put on your red light!' we piled onto the 'party bus' and got into the club area.
We went into the first club, got our free drink and danced! Woo! About an hour later we were all rounded up (all 200 of us on this hugely popular club crawl!) and got to the next bar. Same again, got the free drink, had a dance with some live music. Then again, next place, free drink, and a dance! Good clubs! Then another club, the last one, free drink and a dance! Liam and Lynn perfected a beautiful dance move...then Liam proceeded to drop Lynn on her back and she landed on some steps...owww! A true pro, she got up, dusted herself down and got dancing again!
We decided to make a move and the guys got their pies for the walk home. We got back shattered, but had a brilliant night!
The next morning, feeling a bit delicate, we returned the car and got a taxi to White Water world, this was Easter Sunday and it was busy. It was a great day, and we had a lot of fun together! Queuing up for the big raft ride we saw a ride called 'the wedgie' stand in an airlock pod and the floor literally drops from beneath you and you fall vertically through the tube! Crazy! Kyle had said he would do it, till he saw how it actually worked. He wimped out...I really don't blame him though! Liam (part of Team Fearless!!) decided to try his luck and went on it...a big scare and a big wedgie later he was down! We had lunch and got soaked during a huge random downpour! Then 2 minutes later, bright sun. We went on lots more rides, and loved it! We got the bus back. We were all really tired and went straight to bed.
We got up early to go to Dreamworld - the sister theme park next door on Easter Monday. Gillian joined us which was great and we got the bus. It was so busy there! We got in, and me and Liam (Team Fearless!) got straight to the Tower of Terror...a fast car ride which shoots you up the side of a huge tower, then fast down the tower backwards. It sounded amazing and the screams were great! We got on after about a 20 min queue and got on the was AMAZING!!!! But literally lasted 60 seconds. Team Fearless were buzzing after this so we went straight to the Big Drop - it takes you up and drops you 39 storeys down the same tower. After a 25 min queue we were seatbelted in and up we went! It was a brilliant view...I was pointing out the city from the top and Liam went strangely quiet...then after what felt like an eternity we were dropped! BRILLIANT!!! Liam was ghost white when we got off...he only told me then how he hated heights!! Haha. We went and found the others who had named themselves Team Extreme on a log flume (this had been mine and Liam's name of choice but we have since adapted it as we are TRULY fearless - we are now Team Extreme as a group!)
We got lunch, then went on a motorbike rollercoaster which was cool, Kyle was petrified as he hates rollercoasters! He did well though. Yet again me and Liam got to go at the front! Woo! We then bumped into the Irish and we went on the car ride again with them, and they dragged little Lynn on who HATES big rides! She loved it though...really I think! Gillian enjoyed it too, whilst Amber and Kyle got SOAKED on a family raft ride haha. We went on the Claw which spins round and up and down which was great, then we went on the Big Drop again...twice!!! We got our money's worth that day :)
We got back, had a stop at a bottle shop and got some drink, for we were going to play our now legendary game "goono"! If I haven't explained already, this is drinking uno with goon, the cheapest wine going. It's brilliant, and can get very dangerous for just two people left in the game! We sat in our room playing this with the boys, Kyle played Lynn's guitar and everyone was very happy and merry! A brilliant night :)
The next day we were moving on so we packed up, we walked along Surfer's Paradise and ran into the boys, then walked into town and got some food. We then got back to our hostel, picked up our stuff and got back to the transit centre to be picked up by....Disco!! Our first driver who was there when Amber fainted! He was taking us to Byron Bay....
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