Ok, Kroombit cattle station! I am going to keep these short and sweet so I get through a 3 week backlog of blogging - sorry - I am just having too much fun!
So we got out of Airlie Beach, with a 12 hour drive to get through. Several stops and a serious flood later and we got to Kroombit cattle station at 7pm - due to the flooding our small bus couldn't get through to the station so we all climbed onto the back of a muddy artic lorry with just wooden planks to sit on and not fall off! We definitely arrived in style! We got fed good food (beef surprisingly!) then we tried whip cracking - the man said I should be proud of my efforts as I was one of the few to get onto the bigger whip yeehaw! Then we did some mechanical bull much harder than expected! I lasted 5 seconds...we were with all our Irish friends (Darren, Ian, Clare, Aileen and Graham) and Gillian (from London) and Lynn (from the Shetlands!) and it was such a laugh! Aileen lasted 2 seconds, literally went head over heels! We played some drinking games like 'flipcup' which were good fun, then the cardboard box game which got down to 4 girls trying to get a coin out of a hole in the earth! I can explain this when we are home. Then we were all shattered so bedtime.
Next morning - checked out and breakfasted by 6.45am! Impressive! We went off to do our goat rodeo which was great fun, teams of 3, barefoot in a stinking pen of goats and their warm poo - yum! Disgusting (although feels quite nice on the feet if you forget what it is!) I was the picker-upper - Ian caught our goat, I hoisted it up and Clare 'branded' it. We also did some clay pigeon shooting - I got 0 out of 5. This is not my sport clearly.
Then we climbed a proper mountain! In flip flops. And no water. These cowboys are hardcore! We got up there, tried out the digeridoo, took some photos, then climbed all the way down. Then we flung a few boomerangs...I had to throw it rather specially as I am left handed, it did not return to me.
Then we needed to get on the bus and outta there! Onto Hervey Bay....
- comments
sarah poolio im with you there for clay pigeon shooting i also got a big fat 0! Its obv the taking part that counts ... strangely jealous of ur boomerang throwing always wanted to do that! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx