We had a lazy start this morning because we managed to get further than we had expected yesterday! First stop this morning was a place called Loch Ard Gorge which was the location of a famous ship wreck. More skillfull photography resulted in some more funky photos!!!! For lunch today we stopped in a very busy Apollo Bay and then I got behind the wheel so that Louise could enjoy the stunning coastal views that she drove along on the way out! We stopped off again at Kennett River and spotted some more Koalas. We also took some cheesy tourist snaps in the wooden koala - I must say my koala face rocked!!!! :D At Torquay Louise decided to take us on a detour so that we followed the coast road rather than going inland. I took what I thought was the correct exit at a roudnabout but the road we ended up on started to turn into a dusty track that seemed to be leading to a dead end - we pulled into a car park and the sign read "Impossible Point - Nudist Beach" woops wrong turning somewhere!!!!! After going back to Torquay and continuing on what we thought was the coast road we ended up on a very long straight road with no sign posts!!!!! At this point we realised that our map - which didn't have any street names, or even all the roads on it wasn't actually that much use to us!!!! We evntually found some signs and managed to make our way to Queenscliff which was where we wanted to stay tonight. The campsite was built around a rugby pitch so was basically a cirle but with Lou behinf the map we somehow managed to get lost trying to find out pitch AGAIN! and drove around over some fairly evil speed bumps - which with Seymor's dodgey suspension weren't much fun! When we eventually found our pitch it took some more manouvering to work out the best way to park the van for the night! Not much to do in this town so we had another early night!!!
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