After an emotional goodbye at Brisbane airport I was on a jam packed Virgin Blue flight up to Cairns arrived at 7.10pm to heat 3degrees warmer than middle of the day Brisbane - Thank You! A pretty simple exit through the domestic terminal and onto a shuttle bus to YHA central Cairns - unfortunately due to my late arrival after 2 weeks in a double bed I was back to a top bunk!!!!
Yesterday I had my earliest start in a while and was off to Cairns Central Mall Cinema to find times for Harry Potter - at 11.45 I sat down to watch the film along with alot of skiving school kids and my frozen coke, a new addiction, the coke not the school kids.....I havn't read the book of the Half Blood Prince for a while and therefore I didn't spend the whole film nit picking the details they had missed out and I thought it was very good despite a slightly rushed ending. After hiding away in the cinema I decided I should probably get out and enjoy the beautiful 30o+ weather! I chilled out for the rest of the afternoon with some people I had met further down the coast, a lovely afternoon chatting and soaking up the rays!
Today I had another seriously lazy day, it was ace! Apart from the voice coming over the tannoy at 9.30am reminding people that check-out is at 10am and again at 10.10 telling them that check out was at 10 and could they please make their way to reception. A lie-in after 9.30 is not an option! Oh well! I was up and having some brekkie by this point anyway. I found a lovely spot by the pool and lazed there all morning finding the energry to walk to the lagoon for the arvo where I enjoyed the 32 degree heat and clear blue sky. I spent the evening willing my stuff to pack itself into my back didn't so I had to spend a little while arguing with it and then I spent the rest of the time chatting with the other people in the first air-conditiond dorm I have stayed in - bliss!
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