Day two:
This morning Im off to meet my friend from uni Aliki, she has been travelling Asia for the past month and by complete coincidence is in Bangkok the same time as me! Wahhh... I find out she is in a hotel just down the road! Its a small world. Anyway, its so nice to see her and we go out for breakfast and catch up, I go for the chocolate pancake and strawberry shake option, in hindsight this was a bad idea, who wants chocolate in hot weather? I bombard her with questions about Thailand such as is it safe? How easy is it to find your own way?..blah blah blah. She tells me to throw away my itinery and be a free spirit. I agree, but of course everyone knows this will never happen. After breakfast we jump in a taxi and head off to the reclining buddah at the Wat poh Temple, this is a 45m buddah lying down on its side, its pretty impressive. After a slow paced explore of the temples we head off onto a boat and make our way towards China town... the boat we were on was a locals boat costing only 3 bhat, about 6p to us. This is obviously the wrong boat and we are then directed to a tourist boat, costing 30 bhat, still only 60p, but still multiplied by 10 because we are adventurers! so anyway, China town is busy, we sit down for lunch and I have my first proper bit of street food. I opt for what I think is the vegetarian option but when it arrives it comes with some odd shiny looking small white balls. They get shoved to the side of the plate with my chopsticks (which by the way, im quite good at eating with already!). We get a tuk tuk back to the Kho San road, this is basically a motorbike with a little carrage on the back, they're pretty badass. Theres time for a smoothie and then Aliki hits the road and we go our seperate ways. Im hoping to catch up with her again in Australia. Im lying here wide awake listening to two cats screaming at each other outside and slowly drifting off to the sound of the fan. Tomorrow we're off to Ayuthaya, according to the itinery we planned to visit Kanchanaburi to look around Tiger Temple. We changed our minds, Ive read bad stuff about it such as the owners drugging the Tigers to make them docile and that just isn't cool.
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