Alright today was more of a low key day. And now that I'm caught up I'll try to fill you in on some of the things we've learned/experienced when it comes to driving across this beautiful country.
1. Signage is so important and so underused. I can't begin to count how many roads we've encountered with no sign at all while driving and walking. Leaves lots of time for guesswork and re-routing.
2. Ottawa is sooooooo flat. Shout out to all the kids who have to learn how to drive manual transmission in St. John's. I swear these roads go straight up at some points.
3. Speed limits of 110km/h are so much better than 100. Ontario and Quebec need to get it together.
4. Passing lanes are SHORT in Nova Scotia. So, so short and normally uphill. Not ideal.
5. No matter how many times you say pardon, you will never understand some Newfies. Just nod and smile or change the subject.
6. Cold Cut Combos are nowhere to be found. What is happening Subway? I'm beginning to worry.
7. If you're standing near the road, cars will stop and block traffic to help you across. No matter what. And they'll wait a long time for the other direction to be clear. Mostly made us uncomfortable.
8. Street lights are never in the same place, and in Atlantic Canada they seem to be out of the way on the side.. so helpful.
9. Residence rooms are affordable but can be very hot and have limited circulation.
I'll add more as I think of them.. today we adventured to a Dominion grocery store for an affordable lunch and restocking of snacks. Then we walked around St. John's and visited lots of the little shops. It rained all day and never got warmer than 13 degrees, so we just kept things light and have decided to save the adventures for the sunny day tomorrow.
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