Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand, quite small and not really that spectacular. So we used it is a time to catch up on things like washing (yes, we still have these menial tasks, especially when we have so few clothes and still don't wear the same top twice, girls will be girls!)
We have acquired a couple of travelling buddies since Taupo, Emma and Bekkie from Peterborough. We bonded 12,00feet in the air and have been inseparable since so until further notice, 'we' is now the four of us and when I get my piccys on, they are the two girls who are not me or Leah and still on them all!
We went to the museum in Wellington which is hands-on, so we had hours of fun looking round and touching things! We even had top fight some kids for first pick of the fancy dress box (you know my penchant for it).
Again a nice hostel, Tuesday night is free manicure night, the terms and conditions were that we had to buy a martini (shame) so nails looking ok right now!
Wellington is the last stop before moving onto the south island (yes, NZ is in two bits). The ferry crossing is renowned to be one of the worst in the world so of course we planned an early night. As with anything in life, never plan. You will invariably be disappointed when you c*** it up.
It was this very night that I acquired a few more injuries, this time from X-treme dancing. We were boogying on the bar, doing the dirty dancing 'lift', downing several shots and sliding down huge pillars fireman styley (hey, my brother gets to do this for a living, fireman bit, not dancing on bars. I hope). Then the ultimate, Coyote Ugly theme tune came on...carnage, there was no soda stream so bottles had to suffice but needless to say a good time was had by all!
So silly girls went to bed late and felt wonderful for the 8.30am ferry crossing. We were all popping sea sickness pills in the vain hope they would cure hangovers too!
Katherine xxx
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