Not a great deal to say about Lake Tekapo. Although as usual, the place is pretty stunning.
The journey here was a good one though. We blasted out Queen songs (we appear to have become their new tribute act, much to the annoyance of the other passengers!) The driver, thinking he was being highly amusing, left at one stop without us. As ever, we got the last laugh by jumping on a coach full of old tourists and driving off with them! It certainly brightened up their trip. And surpised our driver as that company is renouned for having miserable drivers. Bit of charm from the awesome foursome works wonders.
We decided to hit the town after sampling a local lamb pizza (surprisingly nice). Team X-Treme took this sleepy village by storm, we even convinced the band to sing with us. I have a sneaky suspicion they turned our microphone off but it was fun all the same.
Our hostel owner found it hard to believe that we could party in this town til 5.30am, but we managed it quite easily. But my did I suffer for it the following day. I had the mother of all hangovers! Fotunately our planned horse trek was cancelled due to gale force winds. What a blessing.
So our next stop is Christchurch, a big city where we will stay for a few days...
Katherine xxx
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