Kari goes to Lincoln, England
I woke up a little after seven and had to move fast to get ready on time. I had to pack yet and get ready and it was quite the rush. I was supposed to meet Shannon and Christine at 7:45 but was about 5 minutes late leaving my apartment and got a text from them as I was walking outside. I met up with them but then parted right away because I had to stop by the MHAC building to hand in my research and development for digital media which I had spent all of the last two days working on. I got to the media office and discovered to my dismay that it didn't open until 9am. What was I going to do? I really needed to hand this in and I figured that the office opened at 8am. I hung around for about 10 more minutes and one of the secretaries showed up so I got to hand it in and then had to hurry to the train station because it was already 8.10 and it was about a 10 minute walk there, plus I had to buy my ticket and the train left at 8.27 Luckily I got there about 20 after, got my ticket and had a few minutes to catch my breath before we boarded the train.
The train was really cold and so when we arrived in Sheffield to switch trains and had a 20-minute wait I had to get some tea to warm up. The train we got on which took us to the Manchester Airport was really full so I didn't get to sit by these girls and sat by these two random people. It was a Dad and his daughter. It was interesting listening to them talk about things from the past that the dad was telling his daughter about and then she would ask him questions and there was some house they almost bought and they talked about places that the daughter had been to in England and places that they wanted to go. It was interesting when the dad started telling the daughter about pigeons from when he was younger and they would put them on a train somewhere for this race. I forget where the pigeons would go to, but it was a race and whoever's pigeon got back first would win the prize money. The pigeons flew back to the owner's house, and then the owner had to take the clip on the pigeon's foot and put it into the pigeon clock. The clocks were started when the pigeons left and then when you put the bracelet into the clock it stopped and that is how they were able to tell who won. I found this really interesting.
At one point they began talking about traveling to America and something about Vermont and the daughter said she would rather go to Florida to Disneyworld and stuff. I said to them Florida is quite nice. And then the dad said he didn't want to see Disneyworld and wanted to see more of Florida or America or something and I told them that Florida was a lot of tourism from what I had experienced. Then we just got into a long discussion about so many things. Where I was from, where I was going on the train, where they were going which was Manchester to look at a university there. I really liked talking to them and was glad I had sat by them. They got off before I did because the stop to the city is before the airport stop but were really nice and said have fun, it was nice meeting you, enjoy your trip. Oh how sweet!!! They were really nice people and I was in such a good mood when they left.
It wasn't much longer after that until we got to the Manchester Airport. We went to check in and had to wait a long time before the line started to move and then something broke so we had to move to another desk. Such a hassle. After we got checked in we had a long while to wait. Our gate wasn't posted so we just hung out in this lounge and it wasn't until about 10 minutes before boarding time that we realized we hadn't gone through security yet. Opps!!! So we had to hurry through and also to get to our gate. We had time to spare but not too much before they called boarding.
The plane ride was really quick like 45 minutes or something. I sat by Christine and we just talked about what we should do when we got to Ireland because we had the rest of the day and the following day to do something outside of Dublin and also Sunday to drive somewhere. We got to Dublin Airport and had to go to customs. The guy was really funny and because I was after Christine and Shannon he was like "Are you with those girls?" and when he grabbed my passport before he even looked at it said American and I said how do you know that so fast? And he said he had seen a lot go through in the last hour. When Annette went through and she told him that she was with us and he realized that we had three different countries in one group he told her something about us being a dangerous bunch. Funny. We went to pick up their bags because they had checked them. I only brought my backpack. I am amazing because I packed for 6 days and 5 nights in my backpack, which isn't that big!!!! Then we had to go rent the car. Yay!!!
We walked out to the parking lot and found the car and when we all got in the big question was where were we going to go now? Shannon really wanted to go to Belfast and had printed out directions and no one else had ideas so off we went to Belfast. It was really easy to get out of Dublin and not that complicated to get to Belfast so we were there in like at hour and a half. Shortly after arriving in Belfast we spotted a Tesco, which is a grocery store and decided that we should get some food. We would need some for breakfast and the rest of the trip. After Tesco we crossed the road to the KFC and shared a family meal so it wasn't too expensive when we split it between the four of us and it was good because we hadn't really eaten all day.
After KFC we weren't quite sure what to do. We looked in Annette's book and found a movie theatre and headed in that direction. It took a few wrong turns, but we finally got there. It was a pretty sweet place called the Odyssey and it had restaurants in it and a few pubs and a couple clubs, a coffee shop, a bowling alley and then the movie theatre. We couldn't find a movie we wanted to see and decided to go bowling at 9.30 and had an hour to waste so we walked outside by the river and bridge, it was so pretty. When we got back we decided not to go bowling and just got some tea and chatted in the café for a while. We came to the conclusion that we were going to get up kind of early and go to Giant's Causeway, which was further north on the coast of Northern Ireland, and then we would come back and see Belfast. We agreed to drive part of the way and drove to Antrim, which was about a half hour away. We found a nice place to park the car and slept in the car. Wow what a day. We went from Lincoln to Sheffield to Manchester to Dublin to Belfast to Antrim.
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