Happiness Is The Road
Had a lovely night listening to the road trains. I had about 3 hours to drive today to Ceduna and the Nullarbor would have been crossed. The first section of the journey took me to the Nundroo road house where I stopped for a rest. Just before I got here the scenery started to change. The Nullarbor proper had finished and there were trees again and nearer to Nundroo there were also farms and agricultural land.It was wombat death alley here, all the road kill was wombats on this section with the odd dingo thrown in for good measure. Would be nice to see a wombat and a dingo alive and kicking though and hopefully I will at some point on the journey. From Nundroo it was an hour and a half to Ceduna. This is where the fruit fly check point is. I had been told that they were very strict and checked all vehicles thoroughly. This wasn't the case. The guy there asked me if I had any fruit and veg and I said no, apart from a jar of olives. He opened my fridge had a quick look, said the olives were okay and I was on my way. Took all of 60 seconds. I then drove into Ceduna and first of all found a supermarket where I re stocked all my frui and veg. I then found the camp site which was on the Ceduna foreshore. I got a lovely spot with a sea view. I got chatting to my neighbours who were from Brisbane. They were on their way to Perth for Christmas. I mentioned about a pint costing $10 in Perth. He seemed horrified and reckoned a pint in Brisbane was about $5 or 6. I hope he's right. I might just get a pint of XXXX in Brisbane then and not give a XXXX about the price! Later on I wandered into the town to the Tourist Bureau and got my certificate confirming that I crossed the Nullarbor. Shattered so early night.
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