Another Life
Woke up early this fine morning; about 9ish. Oli, Gavin and I arranged last night to rent some bikes to go on a mooch up to the top of the mountain, poi-something, you can see in the backdrop of the city. I have only ever riden three bikes before and two I have crashed, so I was slightly apprehensive. Well, f*ck apprehension. I rented out a bike, rev and go beauty, and before I knew it I was flying in and out of traffic something reminscent of star wars. We drove within metres of the summit, but couldn't get any further as the roads turned to crosser territory. we saw amaizing views - thick, steaming, jungle surrounding the city below. I nearly crashed a few times on those sharp descending bends. Damn good fun. Got quality pictures too.
I was back to the hostel for six this evening for the meeting for the three three day jungle treck I arranged this morning: hiking, elephant trecking and bamboo rafting. Oh, yes - Kam comes to the jungle. Also sent of for my Laos visa - should be back for when I return.
In the evening me and my biker buddies (so relavent, yet so gay) went for a steak for dinner and then out hitting the bars (whilst driving of course [NB I do not advocate drink driving, but in this case it is sheer brilliance]). We saw some pretty good bands; all Thai. Full to the brim, we raced round the moat (the canal around the inner city) like idiots. Bed at one as I have to be ready for the treck tomorrow at nine a.m.
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