Kuten olette huomanneet, en ole paivittanyt blogia muutamaan paivaan. Tahan on syyna ollut todella heikot nettiyhteydet tai niiden puuttuminen taysin. Kuvien lataaminen on todella vaikeata ja videoiden mahdotonta. Hostellilla ei kone toimi ja sitten jos yritan jotain jossakin nettikahvilassa niin sen eteen joutuu hieman kikkailemaan. Puhelimella en todellakaan rupea kirjoittamaan. Kirottu touchpadi, ja tabletissa ei ole kuvia, joo, voisin toki ladata kuvat puhelimesta mutta sekaan ei onnistu. Kiitos puuttuvien ohjelmistojen. Hmmm... kylla mina jotain keksin. Kuitenkin tassa jotain kuulumisia.
Saavuin Shanghaihin viime viikon perjantaina, silloin kun te aloititte juhannuksen viettoa. Lentokentalta maglevilla kaupunkiin reilussa viidessa minuutissa ja sielta metrolla hostellille, joka muuten sijaitsee aivan Bundilla. Bund on siis se alue, josta on mahtava nakyma suoraan Shanghain kenties kuuluisimpaan kaupunginosaan (Pearl tower, Aurora tower yms.)
Hostellista sen verran, etta paikka on mahtava! Itse hostelli on hieman remontissa, huoneet hmm.. siistit, mutta ovet eivat toimi, joten yolla ei saanut nukuttua kunnolla. Hintaa sellainen 6 euroa yo. Kattoterassi josta nakymat Huangpu:lle.
Varmaan mietitte miten vietin juhannusta. Sopivasti sattui olemaan taysi kuu, joten menin Full Moon party'in. 10e lippu, johon sisaltyi yksi Bucketti (aasialainen sankojuoma). Kaakkois-Aasiassa kayneet tietavat. Musiikkina oli tarjolla trancea, housea, drum'n'bass. Paikka oli todella siisti ja vielapa iso nurmikentta. :D FMP Shanghaissa ei ollut ollenkaan paha kokemus.
Muuten olen kierrellyt kaupungilla eri keskustoissa ja katsomassa nahtavyyksia. People's Square, Chinese Pavillion, Science and Tech. museum, pari puistoa, Old Town, Jing'an temppeli jne. Aluksi mietin, etta mita tehda taalla mutta onhan tuota tekemista loytynyt. Tiesin, etta tulen pitamaan todella paljon Shanghaista. Moderni metropoli, jossa riittaa tekemista ja nakemista. Kaupunki minun makuuni!
Kunhan saan lisattya kuvia, kerron niissa enemman, tai videoissa. Jos ja kun. Olen ottanutkin aika paljon kuvia ja videoita ja jakaisin niita mielellani kanssanne. Yritan huomenna kikkailla koneen kanssa enemman.
Seuraavat suunnitelmat. Perjantaina lento Chongqingiin, missa olisi tarkoitus viettaa herkullisen ruuan aarella viikko tai kaksi :D samaan aikaan haen pidennettya viisumia, silla ensimmainen HIA kesaleiri alkaa 13.7. Pekingista. Toivoa sopii etta saan uuden viisumin, muuten tulee reissu Hong Kongiin :D Ei sekaan paha idea olisi, hahaha! Riemuitsen vasta kun minulla on uusittu viisumi.
As you have noticed, I have not updated the blog for a few days. This is due to have a really poor internet connections, or lack completely. Downloading images is really difficult to impossible, and videos as well. Computers at hostel arent that good, and then if I try something in a cyber cafe so it gets a little tricky. With the phone I do not really write a scab. Cursed TouchPad, and the tablet does not have pictures, yeah, of course I could download the pictures from phone but that did not work. Thank you for the missing softwares. Hmmm .. Yes, I figured something. However, here some news.
I arrived in Shanghai last Friday, when you started Midsummer celebrations. I arrived from the airport by MagLev the city in just over five minutes, and from there take the subway to hostel, which by the way is right at Bund. The Bund is thus the area, which has a spectacular view directly in Shanghai, perhaps the most famous district (Pearl Tower, Aurora tower, etc.)
The hostel so so good place! In fact, the hostel is a little renovation, the rooms hmm .. clean, but the doors do not work, so at night I could not sleep properly. Price of a € 6 for a night. Roof terrace with views over the Huangpu for is a nice place to drink beer and talk with people.
I guess you were wondering how I spent my mid-June. Fortune happened to be a full moon, so I went to the Full Moon party. 10e ticket, which included one Bucket (Asian bucketdrink). Travelers who have been in South-East Asia have had to know. The music was a trance, house, drum'n'bass. The place was really neat, and even a large grass field as a dance floor. : D FMP in Shanghai was not at all a bad experience.
Otherwise, I have been looking around the city in different centers and see the sights. People's Square, Chinese Pavillion, Science and Tech. museum, a couple of parks, Old Town, Jing'an Temple, etc. At first, I wondered, that what you do here, but after all, to do with produce found. I knew, that I will take a lot of Shanghai. A modern metropolis with plenty to do and see. City to my taste!
As long as I added photos, I will tell in those more, or videos. I have taken quite a lot of pictures and videos, and impart them with pleasure with you. I try to do it tomorrow if computers would work.
The following plans. On Friday, a flight to Chongqing where supposed to spend a delicious meal in the week or two: D at the same time I apply for a visa extended since the first HIA summer camp begins in July 13th. from Beijing. One can only hope that I get a new visa, otherwise there will be trips to Hong Kong: D Not a bad idea to be among, hahaha! I rejoice only when I have a renewed visa.
(I used g-translator for the English part)
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