Pieni paivitys matkasuunnitelmiin. Hain tanaan viimein passini takaisin uudella viisumilla. Hakuprosessi oli helppo, vaikkakin olisin halunnut sen tapahtuvan ennemmin. Uusi viisumi maksoi 20e ja silla saan olla elokuun alkuun asti.
Huomenna matkaan Pekingiin junalla ja matkahan kestaa 24h. Siella, toivottavasti, on joku odottamassa minua ja ohjaa seuraavaan junaan kohti Chifengia, missa alkaa HIA kesaleirit. Leirilla olen leiriohjaajana seka ryhmanjohtajana. Ikava kylla kaikki ei ole mennyt niin kuin piti joten olenkin joutunut selvittamaan monta kertaa mista on kyse, mita tulee tapahtumaan jne. Edelleenkaan en tieda kuinka tavata leirinjohtajat, mista saan junaliput Chifengiin ja monelta lahden. Launtaina pitaa joka tapauksessa olla jo junassa menossa kohti Sisa-Mongoliaa. Matkustamista siis kertyy sellaiset mukavat 48h, junassa, penkilla... Kokemus se tamakin on ja uskon, etta miellyttavampi kuin 24h Hell Ride Hanoista Vientianeen.
Leireilen hieman ja sitten lahden kaymaan Hong Kongissa hakemaan uuden viisumin. Tama prosessi tulisi olla helpompi, silla tapaan henkilon, joka tekee sen joka kuukausi. Taman jalkeen suunnitelmat ovat viela avoinna, silla ei ole varmuutta tuleeko uutta leiria Chifengiin. Jos ei niin sitten suuntana on mieluisin kaupunki Kiinassa: Shanghai!
Small update to travel plans. I got my passport back today, finally with a new visa. The application process was easy, although I would have liked it to happen sooner. The new visa cost 20e and it is valid until early August.
Tomorrow the journey to Beijing by train and it lasts for 24 hours. There, I hope, in Beijing is someone waiting for me, and guide me to the next train towards the Chifeng where we will have the HIA summer camps. I'm a camp counselor at camp and Joint team leader. Unfortunately, all is not as it had gone so I have been investigating all times what is going on, what's going to happen, etc. I still do not know how to meet the leaders of the camp, where I can get train tickets to Chifeng, and many of other things. On Saturday I must in all cases be already on the train heading towards Inner Mongolia. To travel, therefore, accumulate such "comfortable" 48h, on the train, on the bench ... New Experience Again, this is it, and I believe it will be more pleasant than 24 Hell Ride from Hanoi to Vientiane.
Some summer camping first and then the to visit Hong Kong for a new visa. This process should be easy, since I will meet a person who is doing it every month. After this the plans are still open, as there is no certainty whether the new summer camp is arranged Chifeng. If not so, then the direction is towards my favorite city in China: Shanghai!
- comments
Mikhail Very interesting! Hi! Kai!
kakkoi Mikhail, it has been interesting. Unfortunately I couldn't update blog because of bad connections. I will update when I have a chance again.