Today it was a slow start to the day as it was the weekend and after a big night lastnight I definitely needed it. Unfortunately my body clock still has me waking at 5:30am for my morning exercises so it was up for that then back to bed for a little sleep-in. After lunch we headed out to Highway 11 a famous road leading through the mountain range then out along the very scenic East Coast of Taiwan. The beaches were covered in small black rocks (from the past volcanic activity) and the mountains jutted up out of the ocean. Easily the most scenic part of Taiwan I have experienced so far and feel very grateful my host was so kind as to take me on the tour. We arrived back into Hualien to Kikoos place where we would be staying again (due to proximity to Taroko Gorge). I met some more family members and then Kikoo took us to the local market next to her house where we were treated to every imaginable fruit under the sun. Kikoo is a very social lady so everyone new here and were giving us samples of fruits - I ate the sweetest watermelon I think I have ever eaten, the most flavourful pineapple and plums to die for. I picked up some vegetables so I could cook for the family tonight.
All of us had eaten way to much fruit so we waited a while before cooking. I cooked my ratatouille and Kikoo cooked green veg and dried fish, sweet and sour fish and boiled vegetables. A huge feast again and this time I got really bad stomach cramps from the oil drenched dishes - they absolutely drown everything in oil here which gives my stomach hell. After dinner we went for a walk into the city, unfortunately there was a little rain but it was still nice to get out and see the city after dark. When we got back I had promised to teach the family yoga - so we got the mats out and what followed was one of the most hilariously ridiculous yoga sessions of my life - with laughs, weird looks, impossible poses and complete lost in translation explanations (very little English understood). Another great day in Taiwan.
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