Sick in Bed!! Not again - in the middle of the night I felt my stomach turn and within seconds I had to make a mad dash to the bathroom. The all to familiar travelers diarrhea was back and to say I am sick of this necessary evil is a huge understatement. After numerous trips to the bathroom I got up and joined my roommates for our free breakfast - not really hungry but also not wanting to miss out on the free breakfast. Breakfast was a feast with granola, roast, scrambled egg, fruits and tea or coffee and I actually managed to keep most of it down. After breakfast I had another mad rush to the bathroom and decided I would spend the day in bed and try and get over the sickness. I managed to sleep most of the morning and for lunch I went to the supermarket and brought porridge, Gatorade and a pack of lifesavers. My stomach was still quite sensitive but my trips to the bathroom had eased. At around 7pm Luis (my friend from Portugal - that I had met on Puerto Viejo) arrived and came up for a chat. I joined him downstairs in the kitchen for dinner and organized to do the zip lining with him tomorrow if my stomach had settled enough. The girls from Israel had arrived back and had videos of the zipping and trip to the Forrest - it looked awesome and they seemed so happy so now I am pumped and preying my stomach eases by tommorow.
- Travellers Diarheea
- Luis from Portugal arrives
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