Travelling - December
Well, my travel plans were rudely imterrupted by Gregg Collett. One day I was in Rwanda and two days later I was in an ambulance in Kenya heading towards Nairobi Hospital. His appendix had ruptured. Brilliant. And he had to get it cut out of him. Even better. So i spent my 18th birthday in a hospital in Nairobi. YAY. However it wasnt all doom and gloom - my insurance put me up in a swanky hotel for 10 days. The shower was the size of my room in Uganda.
Anyway, we spent a night in Rwanda, it was quite pricey, to renew our visas. It is a very clean and green country though, i kinda want to go back. We went to the genocide museum. It was perhaphs the most depressing place I have ever been in my life. Not only did it teach me about the genocide in Rwanda it taought me about genocides in other countries, Bosnia&Cambodia, that I had no idea had happened. The images of what happened in these coutries and the mass graves we saw had a lating effect on me. I just was not happy! It digusts me that I could be so ignorant to the horrors people have faced. What's even worse is that the Rwandan Genocide happened just 15 years ago...
We've been to Kabale, a town South West to us which was fun. Nice wee town. It's situated in a really pretty place. It ashame its 10 hours away from Kampala on a bus. There was a festical in Kampala which we went to: "This Is Uganda Fest", it was really chilled out. SOme amazing singers and some of us managed to get up on the stage. However, I got my purse stolen, bye bye credit card!
For Christmas we went to the Sesse Islands. Yes, you all had cosey white christmases, but so did we: white sand and 30degree sun :) Waaaaay! We woke up to a family of monkeys every morning which i loved. On Christmas Day the owner of the campsite slaughtered Charlie the pis for us, he was taaaaasty. We did seceret santa which i loved and then we did an assult course on the beach. And yes, I won.
Between Christmas and New Year I wasn't very well :( I had to spend the night in hospital attached to multiple drips. I was dangerously dehydrated. BOOO. But i'm finnnney now!
New Year was spent in Kampala. All 18 of us stayed at backpackerss and got all dressed up in theme wear: the girls in colour (I was green) and the boys in suit jackets. We looked...funny? We jumped on a taxi and went to Club Silk for a street party. Because we casually know some Ugandan celebs, as you do, we got in for free! And when Jose Chameleon, a pretty big star, came on some of us once again found ourselves on stage dancing to the 'bend over song'.
So yes, I've been enjoying myself. I'm not 100% when school starts again, but what I do know is that I have like an other month off.YAAAAAY. I have some plansready, heading up North (but not too far north or i'll get into trouble) I've already been to Lake Bunyonyi and stuff but that was in January and this is Decembers entry so you'll just have to wait :D
Hope the weather is improving guys!
- comments
Alison Wish I'd read this before Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January: we could have used i as part of the assembly on the importance of learning the lessons of the Holocaust - emphasising that genocide has happened in more recent times and may again unless we all work hard to prevent it. Now that all sounds very heavy doesn't it?!! But the importance of letting people live independent, free and fulfilled lives is another lesson of the holocaust....and you are a wonderful example of that... travelling, exploring, enjoying, caring, helping, playing, working, learning, giving, celebrating, living, being........ So pleased to have the privilege of learning from you...
Justine My spelling is soooo bad. SORRY (:
Auntie Kirki found it!!! have fun xx