Travelling part 2
Before I begin I am going to apologise for the awful spelling, but you have to understand I actually only have like 10minutes to write this,I HAVE TO PAY FOR MY INTERNET! :(
So after new year we still had a month of holiday left. The majority of the group decided to go to Zanzibar, which meant a wee group stayed in Uganda. We decided that we would do the things that we missed out on when Gregg decided to have a ruptured appendix. So, it was back on that 10hour bus journey Westward that I just love!
Once again we found ourselves staying at Eidirisa eating chocolate donuts :) We thought we would visit the museum which had stuff about the people who live in the west. It was pretty cool, they had built a hut and all the utencils and everything they would have used years ago, its just ashame i didnt get to enjoy it because i fainted. Yup, i just passed out, i dont know why, i just did. It was funny
Heading towards Lake Bnyonyi was beautiful. We camped at a place called Crater Bay Cottags, our tent was right on the riverside and there were sun loungers! What more could you want? The water was perfect for swimming in or you could just dip your feet in, beer by your side and watch the men passing by in their canoes and the sunset. There were beautiful flowers and birds, which i did take pictures of but it actually takes 10yeas to upload one picture on this thing so you're going to have to wait for them.
Lake Bunyonyi has various ilands which people can cross to on a boat ans stay on them. We went to Bushara Island, whichis one of the privatley owned islands. It was stunning. The island had bird watching oppourtunities, a night canoe guide, volleyball, crafts, swimming and of course food. The food was epic. The staff were lovely too, Evis, the mageress, was lovely. The island was amazingly peaceful - at one point we were the only ones on the island.
After the 10hour bus trekk back to Kampala we stayed at backpackers and found ourselves not being able to leave. We have been to the owino market, african craft market, garden city, gamming international and so on enough times then i would care to count and we have become quit famliar with Kampalas night life.
When we weren't in Kampala we were at Blair and Greggs house. They have a DVD player and Willis the puppy.
Benny celebrated his 18th birthday in Jinja. We had a meal at 2Friends and then went out. I'm pretty sure he had a good time :)
The weekend in Jinja is when the problems at mine an mollys house and project began. One day ther ewas a 'problem' which our rep sorted out and then the next e had to get everything out of our house. We have a lot of stuuf! The school we worked at hadn't improved sinc we left so a decision was made to move projects. We ended up remaining at our house in Kitega, which is a good thing, but we are no longe volunteering at Kitega Pride, which is also a good thing. We now volunteer at Kawolo C/U Primary School, just outside the villiage. The school is brilliant and we are both a lot happier with what we are doing.
So that's my summer holidays over. I have had an amazing time! I have loved almost every minute of it. We have a month off in April to look forward to, but for now it is about settling back into our vilages and making the most of our time at our schools.
If any of you have prelims soon, good luck :) and to everyone else, well just keep doing what you're doing. Haaaa.
- comments
Auntie Kirki love hearing your news. Have fun and stay well please!!xxxxx
Uncle James Gday Justine. Great to hear that at least one of your generation of Bremners has the guts to go out of their comfort zone and have a look at the less publicised parts of the world. You'll be a better person for it, have a bunch of fun and a store of after dinner stories to dine out on for the rest of your life. I suppose we should be grateful that the rest of the world is so boring, if everybody was doing it what would be the fun? Hope to see you in Oz one day, there's always a bed for you at Wonga Beach.