We went to pick up the boat & engine this morning, Jools is busy attaching the engine as we speak, we are just at Coogie beach in the car park now, we have run into a few technical hitches ie we have no power to run the drill!!!!
Hopefully tomorrow the boat will be up and running and we will be off to Rotnest island to do some diving and fishing, although i have never fished before in my life i will give it a go! I've always avoided fishing at home due to using maggots for bait which everyone knows i'm not keen on Maggots or worms! but the good news is you can use squid or prawns as bait. we are hoping to to catch some herring or maybe some lobsters whilst diving! fingers crossed we manage to catch something or our tea will resort to some type of pasta!!! mmmmmm
I will take photos of the boat so that you all can see it, we still can't think of a name for it
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