Well, my last 2 days of my fabulous trip have been a bit of a blur! I have a good excuse though - the full moon party!
I spent the day organising my backpack and throwing out all the clothes that had been washed to death over the last few months and my lovely jogging bottoms that had shrunk up to my knees! Thought it was best to try and sleep as much as I could in the day to prepare for the party - what a tough life!
I met Drew, Mandy, Caroline and Dave over at the beach around 9pm and got stuck into the party atmosphere. It was bloomin crazy. There were people everywhere - possibly about 8000! Started off in true full moon party stylee and had a bucket of vodka and redbull. Then thought it was a great idea to buy every possible flourescent thing I could find. I had some glasses on, a necklace, a hat - you name it, I was wearing it!
I also got painted in some paints that glow in the dark - it was all pretty cool and off we went dancing the night away on the beach.
It got to about 3am and between us all we had consumed a lot of those evil buckets of vodka. Caroline had fallen over in the sea and had to be carried home by Dave. The rest of us were feeling quite satisfied that we had partied as much as we could and although it was quite early to go home we'd all had enough drink to sink a battleship.
Drew and Mandy were staying over at Koh Samui so before they got their boat home they stuck me in a taxi. The taxis are like pick up trucks and hold about 8 people and most of the drivers won't go until it's full up. I decided to couldn't wait that long chose another taxi - a motorbike! Got back to the hotel in about 10 seconds flat!
Woke up on Wednesday feeling like I'd been hit over the head with a sledge hammer. Hmmm, not a great way to start my journey home. My flight this evening from Koh Samui to Bangkok was at 8.45pm so I had some time to recover. I checked out of the hotel at 12 and made my way to the pier for the boat ride back to Samui. It took 45 mins and was torture with the hot sun shining on me and the feeling of throwing up all the way back. That will teach me!!
Hung out with Mandy and Drew in Koh Samui for the day until my flight. I don't think it had really sunk into me that I was going home.
Flight from Koh Samui was ok although slightly delayed which meant I had 30 mins in Bangkok to get my luggage and check into my flight to London - that was clearly never going to happen so as soon as the flight landed I found someone at the airport and explained my dilemma. They were great - they rushed me through to get my luggage and to the check in desk - phew I'd made it - well, not quite. They had oversold my flight which meant I was on standby! Talk about put me in a panic. It took about 15 mins for them to finally confirm my seat. I had no time at the airport to spend my last few bhats on trashy souveniers.
Got on the flight and got ready for the 12 hour flight home which I don't recommend anyone do with a hangover!
Oh well, what a way to spend my last few days - partying on a beach with some great new friends.
I will be home in 12 hours and am so excited to be seeing my family and friends again after this amazing trip.
Will blog again when I'm home and let you know how my first 24 hours back in reality went!
J xxxx
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