Well, I've woken up with the hangover from hell this morning which can only mean one thing - yep, I had a GREAT night out!!
Kelly, Laura and I dragged along Martin (the dude that cooked my pasta) for a night on the tiles in Noosa. Went to a few bars and then ended up in a club with about 20 people in it. That was ok though because we made our own entertainment fuelled by tequila shots and countless vodka & tonics.
Got home and remembered that I'd saved a slice of pizza from my dinner. Nice one - always thinking ahead! After I'd climbed up to my top bunk, I got ready to tuck into my pizza. Too bad I dropped it! It hit the floor and I couldn't be bothered to get down and get it.
Checked out of the hostel and went for a much needed fry up then got the hostel bus into town for the Greyhound coach.
The coach turned up and we all piled on. Am still travelling with Kelly and Laura onto Rainbow beach so it's nice to have some company (even if we were too hungover to talk to each other!)
About 1 hour into the journey the bus broke down. Great, just what you need when you're feeling like you're got an axe wedged into your head!
A new bus came along about an hour later and we got on our way to Rainbow beach.
Am now staying in a hostel called Dingo's which is really nice. Bonus - they do $4 dinners in the evening. At that price who could say no?! Sunday was mexican night. mmmm, yummy. Made a nice change from pesto pasta!
Am staying in mixed dorms now and have 3 guys in our room, Olly and Anthony from Bromley and Leigh from Canada.
Am off surfing tomorrow so going to bed early tonight.
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